Saturday, August 1, 2009

GE as MSNBC Puts the Lid on Olbermann's Scathing Attacks on O'Reilly

GE Puts the Lid on Olbermann's Scathing Attacks on O'Reilly

In a deal between the head of GE (the owner of MSNBC) and Murdoch's FOX News reported in The New York Times, it was agreed that Olbermann would back off his chronic lacerating caricatures of Bill O'Reilly (although it can still be expected that he will go after O'Reilly and FOX, but much less frequently).

In return, FOX and O'Reilly, in particular, will stop attacking the business dealings of GE. Are you getting the picture of how even MSNBC is affected by big corporate ownership?

A key indicator of what was threatening GE is buried in The New York Times article about the "peace agreement" (which amounts to a decrease in virulent exchanges between O'Reilly and Olbermann). Here are two points worthy of note to indicate that MSNBC talent may be kept on a shorter leash than progressive followers had hoped for:

The reconciliation — not acknowledged by the parties until now — showcased how a personal and commercial battle between two men could create real consequences for their parent corporations. A G.E. shareholders’ meeting, for instance, was overrun by critics of MSNBC (and one of Mr. O’Reilly’s producers) last April....

In late 2007, Mr. O’Reilly had a young producer, Jesse Watters, ambush Mr. Immelt and ask about G.E.’s business in Iran, which is legal, and which includes sales of energy and medical technology. G.E. says it no longer does business in Iran.

Mr. O’Reilly continued to pour pressure on its corporate leaders, even saying on one program last year that “If my child were killed in Iraq, I would blame the likes of Jeffrey Immelt.” The resulting e-mail to G.E. from Mr. O’Reilly’s viewers was scathing.

Like most of the feuds between the right wing media echo chamber and progressive critics, the publicity surrounding O'Reilly-Olbermann slugfest helped the ratings of both programs.

But when FOX started to go after the business dealings of the parent company of MSNBC, GE, television ratings took a second place to corporate interests.

This is just another example of why BuzzFlash relies only on its readers for financially supporting its progressive news and commentary.

BuzzFlash developed a closed-circle media model for progressives: buy progressive premiums that help support a progressive economy, upstart new generation companies that heal the world, and celebrate progressive culture. In turn, net proceeds finance the news, commentary and advocacy of BuzzFlash. (We will be launching advocacy initiatives in the coming months that rely on grassroots involvement in social change, not petitions to Washington, D.C.)

BuzzFlash loves Keith Olbermann, but in the end he's an employee of GE, and MSNBC is dispensible to them. They'll milk the progressive wave as long as it doesn't really threaten the entrenched status quo. In the end, their primary interests as a corporation include going nuclear, literally. GE isn't going to let Keith or Rachel or Ed get in the way of that.

It's all just business to GE and Rupert Murdoch. GE isn't about to slice its own throat.

Just remember that.


This so-called "cease-fire" between Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly -- and, by extension between Fox News and MSNBC -- will not last. Olbermann and O'Reilly are two very stubborn, strong-willed individuals who won't back down from a fight -- especially when one attacks the other. Besides, Nielsen ratings pressure will inetivably be brought to bear on both men to resume their feud. The name of the game in TV is ratings -- which affect the networks' REAL bottom line, advertising revenues -- and if the ratings drop as a result of the Olbermann-O'Reilly "truce," the bigwigs of both GE and News Corp. are going to have to make a very difficult decision. Mark my words. . .The sniping will return -- and sooner than you think. While no one is indispensible, both Olbermann and O'Reilly are their respective networks' biggest moneymakers -- and, as everyone knows, money talks and B.S. walks.

"LIBERAL MEDIA"? Don't Make Me Laugh!

You had better start looking for another gig Rachel (and Keith) with your own radio shows again, as I don't see MSNBC doing anything to Buchanan or CONSERVATIVES Joe Scarbourgh & Mika. And where is The White House acting like Josh Lyman in this video. Just change the subject from The NRA to HEALTHCARE and you have what the WH should be doing to these Blue Dog Dems.

Time to take back our airwaves

Corporate deals like this prove that thoose freedoms we hold so dear have beome meaningless words on paper. We have forgotten that the airwaves are owned by the people not the corporations or media mogals. It's time we take back our airwaves. As well as re-inact the Fairness doctrine. News and news programming needs to be free of corporate and government interference with a separate editrial board that check for accuracy of the report not the content. Free news programming that makes up a specific percentage of programming could be the airwave usage fee. News and public service programming need to be factually correct with time allowed for all opposing views. If the 2 political parties are not willing to give us back our constitutional rights than we need to elect independent candidates that will. We also need to institute recall in every state, so that the people can replace those public servants that are serving the corporate will, rather than the peoples.

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