Saturday, August 1, 2009

Swine flu vaccine: Government grants immunity

Fred Burks

August 1, 6:25 PM

Swine flu vaccine: Government grants immunity
Government grants immunity for swine flu vaccine
(AP Photo/Aman Sharma)

Makers of the swine flu vaccine and involved government officials will be immune from any lawsuits arising from the vaccine. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has signed a document guaranteeing that neither the government nor industry will take responsibility for any damage or death caused by these vaccines, which have had very limited testing and are being produced under rushed circumstances.
In the 1976 swine flu scare, only one person actually died from the swine flu while hundreds died from the vaccine and thousands were paralyzed. Watch a highly revealing CBS 60 Minutes clip at this link to learn more about this tragedy and the fear mongering, corruption, and manipulations that led to it. The pharmaceutical companies made billions of dollars as a result of that unnecessary mass vaccination campaign, yet at least the victims had their day in court.
Why isn't our government willing to have anyone take responsibility for these risky vaccines which the media is already promoting? What will happen if, like in 1976, more people are killed and injured by the vaccine than by the disease itself? Will those people and their families be simply out of luck?
Here's a quote from a recent MSNBC/Associate Press article discussing the immunity granted:
The last time the government faced a new swine flu virus was in 1976. Cases of swine flu in soldiers at Fort Dix, N.J., including one death, made health officials worried they might be facing a deadly pandemic like the one that killed millions around the world in 1918 and 1919. Federal officials vaccinated 40 million Americans during a national campaign. A pandemic never materialized, but thousands who got the shots filed injury claims, saying they suffered a paralyzing condition called Guillain-Barre Syndrome or other side effects.
For strong evidence based on a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that most vaccines can do more harm than they do good, click here. How much do you trust our government and the pharmaceutical industry to do the right thing with swine flu vaccines? To understand the depth of corruption on the drug industry and the collusion of top politicians and even scientists, read a powerful essay by the former editor in chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine at this link.
Remember the avian flu scare which received so much hype several years ago? Very few people died or were hospitalized, yet according to media reports, Donald Rumsfeld alone made $5 million on sales of Tamiflu, which were never needed at the time. Consider also that Adrian Gibbs, a scientist on the team that developed Tamiflu (the drug most recommended for the swine flu), submitted a report stating that swine flu may have been man-made. For more on this, click here. There are many questions regarding all of the fear hype around both the avian flu and swine flu. How much of this is a way of pumping money into the pockets of big pharma?
Think carefully before deciding to get a swine vaccine for yourself or for your children. You may end up doing more harm than good. The box immediately below provides several ideas on what you can do to better educate yourself and your friends on these important matters We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Will you get the swine flu vaccine when it comes out?
What you can do:
  • Read other powerful, reliable articles on the current swine flu scare and the risks and dangers of vaccination at this link.
  • Inform your media and political representatives of this important information. To contact those close to you, click here. Urge them to stop the corruption and collusion of big pharma and Congress and not put the public at risk with the new swine flu vaccine.
  • Learn more about the powerful influence of the drug companies over Congress at this link.
  • Read concise summaries of revealing major media reports on the flu scares available here.
  • Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the "Share This" icon just below the title of this article, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
Fred Burks served as personal language interpreter to Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Gore, and other top dignitaries in secret meetings. As part of an international network of researchers and news analysts, Fred obtains and disseminates key, reliable information about powerful, yet little-known forces which shape our world. For more, see articles and links in the right column of this page.

1 comment:

  1. How would history view the Obama Administration if there were far more deaths as a result of the vaccine than from the flu itself? The medical establishment can fudge the data but not the final outcome: historically high death rate. Tragic side effects. A stronger mutated disease.
