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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Palin Threatens Media If Reports On Possible Embezzlement Charges


Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought

Palin Threatens Media If Reports On Possible Embezzlement Charges

July 5th, 2009 by Ron Chusid

Sarah Palin has never been a supporter of freedom of expression, thinking that the First Amendment was designed to protect her from criticism by the media. She also does not understand how to conduct damage control. Just when things seemed weird enough with her announcement that she is resigning, Palin made another blunder in response to the rumors that the resignation was motivated by rumored embezzlement charges.

Palin’s attorney has threatened to sue the press if they publish the “defamatory” stories that she might be facing embezzlement charges related to the building of a sports complex in Wasilla. The threat, contained in a four page letter, presented the controversy over the funding of the sports complex from her perspective. This guarantees that, if they hadn’t already, the media will see this as a story. Presenting her side of the case also increases the chances that publications will scrutinize her claims for any discrepancies.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the FBI’s Alaska spokesman has stated that Palin is not under investigation by the agency. This does not address rumored IRS investigations or the possibility that Palin resigned from office to prevent impeachment on ethics charges. With the large number of questions as to her ethical conduct in office and the irrational manner of her resignation, Palin is living in a different universe if she does not realize that her resignation will be taken by many as evidence of her guilt and as an attempt to limit further scandals.

There is no word as to whether Sarah Palin will be taking any legal action against David Letterman or many other late night comedians who have mocked her over the past several months.

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 5th, 2009 at 1:42 pm and is filed underNews Media, Sarah Palin, Scandals. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 responses about “Palin Threatens Media If Reports On Possible Embezzlement Charges”

  1. Leslie Parsley said:

    I just wrote the same thing citing an interesting article fromCBS. I commented that I hope she isn’t physically ill but that I question her mental health. Narcissistic, paranoid, a sense of entitlement, and a regular diva.

    I didn’t even think to speculate about all the comments that have been made about Palin by late night comedians. Good point. I wonder what the total count is for all the jokes told at her expense.

    Either she needs serious psychiatric treatment or she’s pregnant again and is having a hard time deciding whether to terminate or stay home and be a real mommy – for a change. Or, which seems more likely, she’s about to get the book thrown at her.

    Oh, McCain says Palin is going to help the Republican Party.
    Wonders never cease.

  2. Leslie Parsley said:

    And one more thing . . . . : )) I can’t help but wonder what this crazy lady would do if the media suddenly decided to stop covering her altogether.


  1. Palin Not Under Investigation

    "An FBI spokesman took the unusual step today of declaring that Gov. Sarah Palin is not under investigation, an announcement prompted by rumors to the contrary on many web sites," the Anchorage Daily News reports.

    The statement "follows a Saturday letter from Gov. Sarah Palin's personal attorney denouncing rumors that Palin resigned because she is under criminal investigation, and threatening legal action for publishing 'defamatory' material about the governor."

    Why does the FBI have to tell the truth in this instance? Couldn't they say she's not under investigation as a means of ensuring that she doesn't destroy evidence, then later reveal that she *was*? I'm just asking.

    OK, so we know the FBI isn't officially saying that they are investigating her.

    So what about the Alaska State Bureau of Investigation? What about the IRS?

    Here's a question I have. Some suggest that she's quitting because her legal expenses are eating up her $1.2 million net worth.

    How in the heck did Palin amass a $1.2 million net worth as the $68K/year mayor or Wasilla or the $125K/yr Governor of Alaska? Her parents taught in the public schools. Todd never finished college and worked on the BP pipeline. Neither of them come from rich parents, neither of them had ever earned more than $100K / year before Sarah was elected. So where did that $1.2 million come from?

    Perhaps the answer to that question is the reason for the investigation. I would.

  2. You take a little here and you take a little there...Here a take, there a take every where a take, take
