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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Right Wing Wishes America the Worst: Are They Enemy Agents, Working on Osama's Payroll?

By Mark Karlin

Yes, even to me, it seems a bit absurd to think that the right wing is on Al-Qaeda's payroll -- although the enemies of our nation are getting their money's worth without paying a cent to the great Republican media noise machine.

Much has been made of Rush Limbaugh repeatedly wishing Obama fails -- and therefore America deteriorates even further, destroyed to the ground. Isn't Osama wishing the same thing?

And then there's Glenn Beck who nightly -- with a smirk on his face and a few million in his pocket for being a demagogic lynch mob television host -- warns us that America is careening toward destruction. The other night he had a guest on who urged that only another 9/11 type terrorist attack would save our nation. Beck urged him on, with a smile and a barely concealed money-making strategic passion.

All around the right wing media echo chamber, the deceived dispossessed white working class masses -- robbed of their wallets and jobs by the Reagan economic doctrine of "I'm rich I deserve it and make me richer at the expense of the working person in America" -- are told that the U.S. under Obama is turning into a "dark" foreboding failure that must be met with resistance, some of them suggest "armed" rebellion.

A colleague of ours recently forwarded a Politico article of July 5th, in which it details how the right wing media makes money off of demonizing Obama and forecasting the destruction of the U.S.:

“I’m seeing a lot of people, conservatives and other people, who are starting to get extremely concerned that permanent damage can be done or is being done to their country,”[best selling author and nutter radio host] Mark Levin told POLITICO.

....The emotions fueling this media boomlet sometimes border on a barely suppressed rage. A website maintained by Levin’s fans, where people chew over the host’s ideas and new book, brims with anger at the president. Wrote one reader: “I CANT SLEEP SEEING this country being destroyed DAMM IT OVER my dead body i will let this happen/THESE BASTARDS HAVE GOT TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY.”

Wrote another: “Bottomline, do you know of any way we can remove these idiots before this country goes down the crapper? I WILL HELP!!! Should I buy a gun? Should I store produce, etc?”

And a third took the rhetoric a step further: “Another American revolution will have to be fought — there will be blood.”

Even more disturbingly, a right wing financed book publisher, Regnery -- which was the key purveryor of Clinton conspiracy books in the '90s and "hate Hillary" tomes -- thinks disaster in America is good for business.

“We are very bullish on our books coming out for the rest of this year,” says Marji Ross, president of Regnery Publishing, a conservative house. “Our little motto here is, what’s bad for the country could be good for our business.”

But Ross doesn't stop there:

Regnery’s Ross says that kind of rhetoric is increasingly common. “I hear a lot of people talking about revolution,” she says. “I don’t think it is the crazy right-wing terrorist revolution — it’s a sense that there’s been an abdication of responsibility, and at some point soon, there will be a reckoning or a tipping point.”

These are ideological leeches who use demagoguery to profit while preparing a bonfire to burn America to the ground.


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