Sunday, June 28, 2009

Any day now, any day now... Senator Franken

the raw story

'Senator' Franken? Could be 'any day' now, Pawlenty says


After eight long months of court battles, appeals, recounts and more appeals, Al Franken may about to be finally, officially certified as Minnesota's new U.S. Senator.

The state's Republican governor, Jim Pawlenty, told CNN on Sunday that he expects the state's Supreme Court will rule on a lawsuit filed by Sen. Norm Coleman "any day" now, and that decision could mean Franken's certification.

By the most recent, court-approved count, Franken won the election by 312 votes.

Sen. Norm Coleman -- still a senator on the technicality that Franken is not yet certified -- is widely believed to be planning an appeal to the U.S. Supeme Court

Here's more from The Hill:

Pawlenty said that he would follow any injunction or stay. But he did appear to signal that there was some urgency to the situation and did want to see the issue, uncertain now for eight months, finally resolved.

"I'm prepared to sign it as soon as they give the green light," Pawlenty said of state court guidance. "A federal court could stay or put a limit on or stop the effect of the state court ruling. If they chose, if they do that, I would certainly follow their direction. But if that doesn't happen promptly or drags out for any period of time, then we need to move ahead with signing this, particularly if I'm ordered to do that by the state court."

Senate Democrats control 59 votes and Franken's certification would give the party the 60 votes necessary to cut off debate on legislation, although on many of the most contentious policy issues pending in the Senate the party is showing significant internal splits.

Pawlenty, who is not running for re-election, said that even if Franken is certified as a senator and an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the state Supreme Court's decision, he "would certainly follow their direction."

"But if that doesn't happen promptly or drags out for any period of time, then we need to move ahead with signing this, particularly if I'm ordered to do that by the state court," he added, saying he will not "defy an order of the Minnesota Supreme Court. That would be a dereliction of my duty."

This video was broadcast by CNN on June 28, 2009.

In other words, expect to hear something more at some point in the relatively near future, but don't get your hopes up that this story may end any time soon.

-- Stephen C. Webster

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