Thursday, June 25, 2009

Code Pink publishes ‘how-to guide’ for arresting Bush-era ‘war criminals’

the raw story

Code Pink publishes ‘how-to guide’ for arresting Bush-era ‘war criminals’

By Stephen C. Webster

Published: June 25, 2009

CODE PINK Women for Peace, the activist group so often seen in the background of hearings on Capitol Hill holding signs or striking the ire of many a senator, is stepping out on a limb and encouraging its members, or anyone so inclined, to stage citizens arrests of Bush administration members.

In a “how-to guide” publicized in a mass e-mail on Thursday, the group cheered that “We’ve got cuffs and we aren’t afraid to use them!”

The citizens’ arrest, whether actually attempted or merely symbolic, is a long favored protest tactic of the group. In the past, CODE PINK activists have attempted citizens arrests of Karl Rove, political adviser to the former president, along with former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

“Once you find a war criminal’s whereabouts, get a few members of your local peace community together to plan your strategy,” the group encourages its members. “Will you be buying tickets and going inside or staying outside with banners and signs, etc? Will you be doing a symbolic citizen’s arrest or will you actually be trying to slap the cuffs on ‘em?”

The group’s “how-to” for citizen arrests calls for hand cuffs, a few friends, a little bravery, some recording equipment and, of course, pink banners. But it also outlines the presentation of citizens complaints against individual “war criminals” from the prior administration. CODE PINK even outlines charges against the “10 most wanted war criminals” from the Bush administration.

For a lengthy photo-series of the group’s prior “arrests,” click here.

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