Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The US gets a Senator that doesn't take himself too seriously

Political Junkie

Minnesota Supreme Court Is Unanimous: Franken Won


Love him or hate him, Al Franken will be the next senator from Minnesota.

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that Al Franken, the Democrat, is the rightful winner of the protracted Senate race that was held last November.

The Court, in a 5-0 ruling, rejected the case made by Norm Coleman, the Republican and former incumbent, that thousands of rejected absentee votes should be counted.

By rejecting the appeal, the Court says that Franken's 312-vote lead holds and he should be certified as the winner -- giving the Democrats a 60th vote in the chamber. Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, has said in the past that if the Court directed him to do so, he would certify Franken.

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