Saturday, July 11, 2009

Six Roles of The US President

1. Party Leader

Role: In this role, the president helps members of his political party get elected or appointed to office. The president campaigns for those members who have supported his policies. At the end of a term the president may campaign for reelection with his party’s support.

2. Commander-in-Chief

Role: The president is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces. That means all of the military leaders report to and take orders from the president. The president performs this duty as a civilian, someone who is not in military service

3. Chief Executive

Role: The president is the chief executive, empowered to administer the laws and affairs of the nation. While the president does not make the laws, his agencies have the responsibility, and authority to carry out the laws.

4. Chief of State

Role: The president's role as chief of state is to represent the United States at public events. This is mainly a ceremonial role that allows the president to promote/convey/represent American values and acknowledge others who do the same.

5. Chief Diplomat

Role: Being a diplomat involves interacting with leaders from other nations. The president takes the lead in foreign relations by associating with foreign leaders and, along with the help of Congress, develops a foreign policy with other nations.

6. Chief Legislator

Role: Though the president cannot make laws, he can voice his own ideas and opinions to Congress while they draft legislation. He does this through speeches promoting his agendas and by meeting with Congress to discuss policies.


  1. Evaluate the POTUS in his ability to execute each role. Has he met and fulfilled his responsibilities for each role to date? Has he exceeded or overstepped any role? If he has exceeded his role or overstepped his authority, have the results or outcomes been just, fair and balanced?

  2. no one cares this was in 2009 also what is this font from the 80s or something tbh

  3. What is with the large blank space at the bottom?
