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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Some centrist Dems want health care coalition with GOP to block reform

the raw story

Some centrist members of the Democratic party on Capitol Hill are talking with Republican Congresspeople about building a coalition to oppose the Obama administration’s health care reforms and form an alternative approach on their own, says a House Republican.

Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA) told Fox News Saturday that “there’s an interesting development occurring behind the scenes right now, whereby some of the moderate Democrats — the so-called Blue Dog Democrats — and business-friendly new Democrats are actually starting to have conversations with us to build a coalition from the center outward to actually come up with substantive and well-founded health care reform.”

Added the Louisiana Republican: “We think if we can build enough public opinion on this, we can force the issue.”

In a report on Boustany’s comment, the Hill points out that various House committees have thrown the health care reform issue into high gear this week, passing various “marked up” versions of a health reform bill that would provide a “government-run” health program for at least those individuals who are not covered by their employer and cannot afford a private plan.

But if Republicans were to form a coalition with centrist Democrats, the power center of the health care struggle would shift from the House Democratic leadership and the White House to the new Democratic-GOP coalition, potentially scuttling plans for a government-run health option.

Boustany’s claim that a new GOP-centrist Democrat alliance is brewing behind the scenes comes as President Barack Obama takes on Democratic members of Congress who have proven reluctant to come on board with the president’s health reform ideas.

The Huffington Post reports that the Democratic National Committee is targeting pro-health reform ads to 11 Congressional districts held by Democrats. Of the 15 districts represented by members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, 11 are held by Democrats.

YouTube video of the ad can be found here.

This video is from Fox News’ America’s News Headquarters, broadcast July 18, 2009.

Download video via RawReplay.com

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