Sunday, July 19, 2009

Want to Blame Obama? Then Man Up and Blame Reagan (Bush I, Clinton, Bush II), Too

Want to Blame Obama? Then Man Up and Blame Reagan, Too

Do I really have to point this out? (sigh) I guess so.

The right wing screamers are having a FIELD DAY over the latest unemployment figures. This. And this (is everyone there named Brent?). And on and on.

Here's the story they cite.

Fifteen states have crossed a painful threshold: 10 percent unemployment. More states, and the nation, likely will follow, one of the biggest dangers to an economic recovery.

How consumers behave in the face of rising unemployment will figure prominently in shaping a broader rebound. If they go back into hibernation and sharply cut spending like they did at the end of last year, the recovery could cave in. More likely is that consumers will stay cautious, making for a fragile and slow-moving national economic turnaround, economists said.

The Labor Department on Friday said unemployment topped 10 percent in 15 states and the District of Columbia last month. And the jobless rate in Michigan surpassed 15 percent, the first time any state hit that mark since 1984.

The Federal Reserve this week projected that the national unemployment rate, currently at a 26-year high of 9.5 percent, will pass 10 percent by the end of the year.

Whoa. Stop there. We're at a 26-year high. That would be 1983.

That would have been well into their hero Ronald Reagan's third year as president. Michigan's woes date back to Reagan's fourth year as president.

And that would be during peacetime...not caught in the tailwind of a Republican-led war and a brutal attack on American soil which were both used as an excuse to deplete our economy by the party of Dick Cheney.

I know I'm not the only one around here who can do fucking math. Just keep this in mind when someone bitches about how Obama has supposedly destroyed everything after only 6 months on the job (even though the economy collapsed long before he took office - the GOP has this same Reagan amnesia over Bush slamming through a $700 billion bailout without oversight).

The Mighty Reagan couldn't fix his failed economy in four years...and in fact, made it worse. But don't let that stop their mancrush on the Gipper.

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