Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Most GPs may reject swine flu vaccine


Exclusive: Most GPs may reject swine flu vaccine


Up to 60% of GPs may choose not to be vaccinated against swine flu, with many concerned about the safety of the vaccine, a GP newspaper survey suggests.

Of 216 GPs who responded to the survey, 29% said they would not opt to receive the swine flu vaccine and a further 29% said they were not sure whether they would or not.

Of those who would refuse vaccination, 71% said they were concerned that the vaccine had not been through sufficient trials to guarantee its safety.

Professor David Salisbury, DoH director of immunisation, told Healthcare Republic, the website for GP newspaper, that frontline health workers have a duty to themselves regarding vaccination.

'They have a duty to their patients not to infect their patients and they have a duty to their families,' he said.

'I think you solve those responsibilities by being vaccinated.'


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