Monday, August 17, 2009

National Death March to Washington for the Public Option

How about a National Death March to Washington DC and the White House for all of us who are denied health care services by health insurance companies? We encourage all with cancer diagnoses or pre-cancerous conditions which need to be monitored and need treatment based on continued diagnostic procedures which we are refused.

We encourage those with diabetes and diabetic related complications, along with others who can manage the trip to join in the march as well.

How many of us are there? Millions? Will they taserize and/or gas us? Will they haul us off to holding centers? Let's find out. We should arrive as Congress comes back to D.C. We should peacefully demonstrate to the three branches of government. We should meet with our representatives. We should demand a meeting with President Obama.

Why should we die alone and in vain? Corporations, Congress and President Obama have all but signed off on our death certificates. We need to act now or we see this continue for decades and the deaths of millions of innocent American citizens yearly.

We are dying anyway. Let our deaths be our statement of protest. Let us clog the DC emergency rooms instead of those locally, where our deaths are just another statistic.

I am 71, have diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, Barrett's disease, asthma, COPD (never smoked), I carry the gene for cystic fibrosis, fibrosis of the lungs, TGA or transient global amnesia, the list go on an on... Use taiji anf gigong self healing techniques, Chinese medicine and diet.

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