Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shills and Pawns of the New World Order

The Shill World Order: Pushers Of The False Left-Right Paradigm

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Harold Gray

Outside the political boundaries that seek to control dissent against the unconstitutional apparatuses of government, lies a group of independent people who have been attacked under the Bush administration as communist terrorists, and under Obama’s as fascist racist.

featured stories   The Shill World Order: Pushers Of The False Left Right Paradigm
Tea Party
The mass awakening occurring in the conservative movement had to be stopped, therefore these new brazen patriots had to be labeled as terrorists who hated America.

The people who propagate this fraud are millionaire media shills who push partisan propaganda to the benefit of the owners of both parties, the special interests, military industrial complex and banking oligarchy to name a few. This is extremely evident on the heels of thecorporate media co-optingof the highly publicized Tea Party movement. The origins of this grassroots inspired event, consisted of people from different ethnic and political backgrounds, focused on the true monoliths of power and the architects behind it. Seeing past the deceptive false paradigm pushers of the right during the Bush years, true conservatives joined with libertarians, independents and democrats, to protest the private non-federal reserve system, oppressive taxing by the IRS that is used to pay for the interest of our debt, eroding civil liberties through draconian legislation and wars for empire that further fund the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us of.

The presidential run of republican Congressman Ron Paul, presented a problem for the corporate media outlets who seek to pigeonhole issues based on political labels. The rejection of Bush’s policies could no longer be framed as partisan politics with the typical liberal talking points. Media shills had to actually look at the issues and determine why conservatives disagreed with his policies. This resulted in a true debate centered on the issues, instead of the usual posturing by the corporate gatekeepers.

The mass awakening occurring in the conservative movement had to be stopped, therefore these new brazen patriots had to be labeled as terrorists who hated America. This would be the media spin of the false right pushers on the alphabet news channels. During the Bush years, the left found common ground with the members of the growing liberty movement, but falsely believed that it was all about Bush.

Now with the election of Obama, we see the friends that joined us under Bush, retreat to their liberal corner and take on the role the neo-cons did, in order to shield Obama from criticism. Therefore under Obama, government dissent equates to fascist extremist who hate blacks. This is the standard program that the corporate left uses in order to quell government dissent by hyping militia groups and racists. Just think back to all the subterfuge associated with groups on the right, who were against government corruption under Clinton. An unbiased look at the political environment back in the 90’s would show that they were not all extremist, and the events hyped up in the media had the fingerprints of COINTELPRO all over it.

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