Friday, August 14, 2009

Specter: I’ll Support a Vote on Employee Free Choice

Specter: I’ll Support a Vote on Employee Free Choice

by Seth Michaels, Aug 14, 2009

Speaking at Netroots Nation this morning, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) said there was “no doubt” he would vote in favor of cloture on the Employee Free Choice Act, allowing the critical bill to get a floor vote in the Senate. It’s a welcome development and a good sign for workers’ freedom to form unions and bargain.

You can see video of Specter’s statement here.

In March, before his party switch, Specter claimed he would join a minority filibuster and block a Senate vote on the bill, despite his past co-sponsorship of the legislation and a 2007 vote to break a filibuster. Since then, he’s heard from constituents around the state, who have delivered thousands of letters and petitions asking him to support the freedom to form unions.

Specter also said he’d vote for cloture on health care reform that includes a public plan option.

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