Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tell CNN to Stop Protecting Health Insurance Companies

Americans United For Change

What on earth is going on at CNN? Today we heard that CNN is going out of its way to protect the health insurance industry by refusing to run our newest ad highlighting tthe reasons the health insurance industry is interested in keeping the status quo: profits.

That same health insurance industry is trying to kill president Obama's health insurance reforms and bussing in mobs of right-wingers to scream members of Congress at health care town halls in August.

On Monday we released our newest ad targeting CIGNA, the health insurance industry and Republicans in Congress who are working to derail the president's health insurance reform legislation. The ad gives viewers a good look at the efforts working to kill health insurance reform. We know that the health insurance industry don't think there's anything wrong with the current system.

CNN just informed us that they're refusing to run our ad because it signals out CIGNA and its CEO. Will you help us fight back? CNN needs to know that their viewers are outraged that "the most trusted name in news," would go out of its way to protect the health insurance industry.


We expected outlets like Fox News to put their corporate interests above issue based advertising but we never expected CNN do something this extreme - turning down paid advertising that shines a bright light on the obstruction of the health insurance industry..

Help us sign a petition to CNN demanding that they stop protecting the health insurance industry.



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