Saturday, August 22, 2009

Americans are Walrus Bulls Bellowing on a Beach - The Truth Behind Lockerbie

Walrus Bulls Bellowing on a Beach

I am disappointed with the view of some knowledgeable commentators over Scotland’s release of the dying man who was convicted of the Lockerbie-airline bombing.

From a purely power-politics point of view, of course, they are right: judging by the ugly noises echoing across the oceans from America, Scotland has done itself no favor.

But if all affairs are to be carried on in every country from that point of view, it seems to me that it is acceptance of America’s right to dictate every matter over the planet, including such intimate matters as how individual countries interpret justice and the government of laws.

This is the acceptance of a de facto aristocracy running the world since American voters — and only about half of eligible Americans bother to vote — represent only a percent or so of the planet’s population. It is remarkable how many Americans do not understand the basic point that not everything a democracy does is democratic or decent or even acceptable, especially things done outside its borders.

Democracies abuse power just as surely as any other form of government, and a democracy with the immense military power of the United States — a power virtually cancerous to genuine democratic values — provides a case study in the inexorable workings of Lord Acton’s dictum.

It would also represent a repression of all the better motives from which individuals and societies act now and then, surprising us and raising the standard of human behavior from the violent-chimpanzee standard that tends to hold for much of humanity and is especially notable in America’s international affairs.

That is unacceptable to most people who are not Americans or who are not dedicated flatterers of America seeking leftovers being dropped from its groaning table.

You only have to ask yourself how Americans themselves would react to others telling them how they should run their court system. The sound would be deafening, like the bellowing of walrus bulls on a stony beach in mating season, which is actually pretty close to the sound of some of America’s professional-victim families today.

Mercy is never misplaced, and I think Scottish justice has reached an admirable decision despite the bellowing of the unthinking American families we have heard from for years.

Apart from that, and a very important consideration, it is almost certain that al-Megrahi is innocent, having been fitted up by American intelligence desperate for a scapegoat with the relentless political pressure of the walrus-bull families.

I have to say, also, I always find it troubling to read the press repeating the lines about 270 victims for the thousandth time. It is an American mantra, emphasizing the special and precious nature of American lives over all others, at least, that is, the lives of upper middle-class Americans.

Rarely do we read an accurate perspective on the Lockerbie event.

The United States Navy stupidly shot down an Iranian airliner with 300 souls aboard as it observed the devastation of the Iran-Iraq War, a devastation America had an important hand in extending.

Those 300 innocent men, women, and children received no mercy, and their horrible deaths certainly never saw any justice. Their families never received compensation. And no apology was even offered by Americans, a disgusting set of behaviors, entirely.

Lockerbie was absolutely clearly revenge, but no one knows who actually committed the act of revenge.

I might offer the observation, too, that it is the same bellowing Americans always ready to use capital punishment or torture and assassinate opponents or, indeed, to invade the lands of those with whom they disagree, bombing and killing countless innocents — three million just in Vietnam, another million or so in the Cambodia they de-stabilized, and another million or so in Iraq.

The whole pattern of the two acts of wanton destruction explains the basis for the so-called War on Terror. It is simply America’s saying, “I can do to you, but you can’t do to me.”

John Chuckman lives in Canada and is former chief economist for a large Canadian oil company. Copyright © 2007 by John Chuckman. Read other articles by John, or visit John's website.

Mulga Mumblebrain said on August 22nd, 2009 at 4:00pm

John, the exact chain of events was known quite soon after the Lockerbie atrocity. It was so well established that it was published in various UK ‘papers as plain fact. The Iranians, incensed by the deliberate, not ‘accidental’ destruction of the Iranian air-bus, a signal sent to the Iranians that they would be punished if they sought to overthrow the US ally of the time, Saddam Hussein, arranged for a revenge attack. They contracted the work to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, based in Syria. A bomb, hidden in a radio, was given to a patsy, himself a drug mule in a US Drug Enforcement Agency ’sting’ operation to catch heroin importers in the US, hence the ’special treatment’ his luggage received.

This was pretty well all understood within months, and remained the official version for 18 months. Then, when Iran and Syria were needed to co-operate in the destruction of Iraq, the official version was suddenly dropped. It disappeared, overnight, without trace, truly amazing testimony to the moral insanity of the Western media and the dead souls that populate it. And in its place a new story was confected, with new patsies. The evil Libyans were not yet tamed, so they were the obvious targets.

After a show trial with faked evidence, a dominating, overbearing US presence in court, a shocking verdict, a disgrace to Scottish jurisprudence, was brought down. Two Libyans having been charged, having been accused of working together to effect this great crime, only one was guilty. It doesn’t even pass the laugh test. Scottish legal observers expressed their shock and dismay at a clear travesty.

So al-Megrahi has spent eight years as a political prisoner, a fall-guy. He’s been released now for several reasons, I would imagine, and humanity is the least believable. First, he has been required to drop his appeals. That lessens the chance that the truth will come out, so embarassing to the authorities with the proof of Western intelligence lying, faking and planting evidence and suppressing evidence helpful to the defence. In fact it sounds just like a trial in the US, particularly when the defendant is black, or even worse, Islamic. We must remember that, despite several promises, that there has never been any official investigation into Lockerbie by UK authorities, which, given their audacity at producing phoney inquests when nedded, as with Hutton, must mean that the cover-story does not stand much hope of surviving any honest examination.

Second, it allows an opportunity, after a decent interval, say a week or two, for the real course of events, the real ‘truth’, to be resurrected, dragged back from the ‘memory-hole’ and mobilised to demonise Iran, Syria and the Palestinians. This will require yet more immediate and selective memory-loss from the Western media, yet greater intellectual, casuistic, triple back-flips, but for these practiced liars and cynical hypocrites, no moral abasement is too great when one is serving one’s masters. Demonising Iran to set the scene for its ‘obliteration’ as Hilarious Clinton termed it, is priority number one for Israel and its swarming hordes, so even so great an hypocrisy as this is not out of the question.

And the third motivation must be simply to allow the slavering, homicidal, deranged Right yet another opportunity to vent their psychotic rage. I caught a little FoxNews on this topic last night, and even by their standards this was, in my opinion, hysterical, barking viciousness, completely unhinged. And, while not for a second wishing to belittle the pain of those who lost their loved ones, is it not interesting that the US families are far more hate-filled than the UK ones, and that the US families trotted out to ventilate their feeklings are preponderantly Jewish? Am I the only person ( I hope not) sick to the heart of Judaic rage and hatred for Arabs and Moslems being shoved down our throats with the demand that we join them in their crusade of vilification, demonisation and destruction against the Arab world?

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