Monday, August 3, 2009

World Net Daily Kenyan "Birth Certificate" A Pathetic Phony

Kenyan "Birth Certificate" A Pathetic Phony

You've got to love it.

Before reading this, you need to scroll down a little and read the breathtaking news from World Net Daily that Orly Taitz, the Queen of the Birthers, has found Obama's real Kenyan birth certificate!

Okay, done? Well, here goes. As you noticed, Green Eagle stated that he had this feeling that something, something, just wasn't quite right here. He put his reputation on the line. Okay, it wasn't really that much to risk, considering what Green Eagle's reputation amounts to. But still....

Anyway, here we are, just a few hours since the Big Announcement. You can just feel the tremors shaking through the country, can't you? Only a few days now, until that evil negro is frog-marched out of the White House in chains, right? Where's your socialism now, buddy?

Oh wait.... Darn, I hate to have to tell you this. Here's a part of a little post from Daily Kos:

" 1. Says "Republic of Kenya" but is dated February 1964. Kenya did not become a republic until 12 December 1964. Ooops.

2. The document is dated 5 August 1964 -- a Saturday. From what I can find, Kenyan guvmint offices close early on Friday and are closed on Saturdays. Oooops.

3. And did you notice the document file number at the top of the page? 47,044. Obama is 47 years old and is the 44th president.

4. Check out the name on the certificate, Signature of Registrar: E. F. Lavender. E. F. Lavender is a common soap in Kenya. Heh, heh.

5. This piece of paper certainly looks nice and new to be 45 years old -- unless the Kenyans were using acid-free paper back in 1964. Heh, heh.

6. Finally, Officials of Coast Province General Hospital reported: “We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”

Not convinced yet? Here's more. Here's more. By tomorrow morning I will be able to fill my whole blog with this sort of link.

Funny, huh? They have now spent a year trying to sell the country on the lie that the birth certificate issued by the state of Hawaii is a forgery, based on a whole encyclopedia full of bogus jive. Now, they come up with their own "birth certificate" and their claims last about six hours. What a bunch of idiots.

Think this grotesque humiliation will be the end of the birthers? Think again. In a couple of days they'll be right back on the job, maybe spreading a whole new lie. In the unlikely case that any of them is smart enough to think of one.

Update: This brilliant comment from The Astute (ha ha) Bloggers:


Right! It was faked by Obama's parents, forty some years ago! Why? Or, to take a hint from the Astute Bloggers, WHY? Why would they have faked a Kenyan birth certificate in their divorce? And, by the way, guys, did it ever occur to you to examine the divorce records and see if it is part of the court documents, for some unfathomable reason? My God, this story is not even a day old, and it's already more fun that a barrel full of monkeys.

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