Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Decide

Nothing about the issues facing America today is black and white. With these You Decide activities, you can explore both sides of an issue, put your own critical thinking to work, and discuss the pros and cons with others. In the end, perhaps you will ask different — and better — questions than those presented here.

About You Decide

You Decide is an online devil’s advocate designed to challenge your point of view on current issues. Perhaps the arguments in these activities will encourage you to reconsider your position... or maybe not. But one thing is certain. The issues Americans face are complex, our opinions are passionately held, and the devil is in the details. Think you know where you stand? You just might surprise yourself.

Coming Soon On You Decide

  • Should affirmative action be continued?
  • Should the government aid individuals whose investments turn bad?

1 comment:

  1. The dynamic of the balance of rights vs. responsibilities has changed considerably within the past several years causing my views to be less libertarian in 2009 than in 2000, for example. Certainly much more than it was for me in 1960. This is far more a personal issue for me, as opposed to a judgment of others. We must continually examine our assumptions based on how they interface with reality. Things change. Stuff happens. We MUST adapt rationally.
