Sunday, September 27, 2009

Clinton: Vast right-wing conspiracy now targeting Obama

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The “vast right-wing conspiracy” that targeted President Bill Clinton during his time in the Oval Office is now targeting President Barack Obama, but is less effective than it was in earlier times because the US’s demographics have shifted, Clinton told NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday.

Asked by host David Gregory if he believed the conspiracy had now shifted to Obama, Clinton said: “You bet. Sure it is. It’s not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically but it’s a virulent as it was.”

Clinton stated that the Republican strategy against the president would yield nothing positive either for the Republicans, or for the United States.

“They may be hurting President Obama, they can take his numbers down, they can run his opposition up. But, fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America. Their [the Republicans'] agenda seems to be wanting him to fail. And that’s not a prescription for a good America.”

The notion of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” aimed at the president was first popularized by First Lady Hillary Clinton, who, while defending her husband during the Lewinsky scandal, said that the president was a victim of a “politically motivated” prosecutor allied with a “vast right-wing conspiracy.

Gregory asked the former president if he worried about “a repeat of 1994,” when the Democrats lost control of Congress to the Republicans, forcing the president to follow a more moderate political course.

“There’s no way they can make it that bad [for the Democrats],” Clinton replied. “Number one, the country is more diverse and more interested in positive action. Number two, [voters have] seen this movie before, because they’ve had eight years under President Bush, when the Republicans had the whole government and they know the results were bad. Number three, the Democrats haven’t taken on the gun lobby like I did … so whatever happens, it’ll be manageable for the president.”

This video is from NBC’s Meet the Press, broadcast Sept. 27, 2009.

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