Saturday, September 26, 2009

Conservatism and anal retention

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Conservatism and anal retention

by fish Sunday

international / theology / opinion/analysis

Conservatives throughout the world are only distinguished by the ‘colour of their shirts.’ Islamist contractionism pursues (fascist) central control in the form of a Caliphate. American contractionism is pursuing (totalitarianism) surveillance and the reduction of liberties and freedoms at speed. Here in Oz the minister for communications is attempting to implement information controls in the form of filtering Internet material at backbone or ISP level. Regardless of the area of ‘concern’ ALL conservatives SEEK TO GAIN CONTROL and impose their realities onto everyone! The means vary from theocratic coercion, legal subversions to brutal enforcement and violent implementations, whether the rest of us like it or not. No shortage of anal contractionists exists anywhere in the world today – the amusing thing is watching the same sickness manifest in various cultural forms.

Those who wish to impose their worldview onto others are obviously discontent and sick, why the need – kindly keep your sick realities and nightmares to yourself? As history is my witness, all attempts to impose worldviews result in EXTREME VIOLENCE, war, human suffering and unspeakable horrors. Yet these conservative idiots imagine they have a monopoly on some sort of Truth which gives them licence to kill and wreak havoc on other cultures and the natural world. Their ‘truths’ however, have no more substance or logic than children’s fairy tales.

This week Australia witnessed the major political leaders wooing the Christian vote – this is something akin to wooing gangrene. Christians, including their Abrahamic siblings, Jews and Muslims, are the most violent and twisted social groups on the planet. The theological and philosophical depth these lunatic groups are able to plumb satisfies none but the most inane, stupid, demented and frightened infantile minds – perfect slave and automaton material for any would be leader!

We are dealing with congregations of COWARDS with the Abrahamic religions – never forget that violence arises from fear!

When faced with life and existence on its own terms, these chicken-shits cower at the awe and splendour of it all. The usual reaction is to regress into infantile analism in the form of regulatory behaviours/CONTROLS they asserted during toilet training – their first and last triumph over the somatic processes of nature! Consider for a moment the logic of the ‘religious mind;’ if I confine myself to these behaviours and avoid those behaviours, my patriarchal God will spare me eternal tortures. Kindy fears and logic survive in the Abrahamic religions of today.

Who in their right mind would attempt to curry favour with social retards and violent brutes – history is my witness?

God is not a banker, accountant, moralist or behaviourist – God is infinite and there is no way to apprehend infinity with (finite) conceptions or behaviours – especially the anal variety.

I witnessed a ‘dead’ (Solar) phallic Christ on the Cross with a Living Erection; his ejaculate nourished all Life on this earth. His precursors were Osiris, Siva and Dionysus. [Mary the beloved licks his sperm from her lips.]

If only you weren’t so frightened and filthy minded. In his image means there is nothing naturally occurring that offends the creator. Perfection is incapable of admitting or producing imperfection. Filth and pollution emanate from churches, synagogues, temples and mosques -- later to establish residence in the minds of slaves and cowards.

Eternity is not for the fearful or faint-hearted!


by watson (fish) Sunday, Aug 12 2007, 2:12pm

Show me a religionist and I'll show you a hypocrite.

You mention their limited abilities particularly intellectual and those relating to courage.

Fresh from their failure to appreciate existence as it is -- the perfect creation of the perfect Creator -- they scurry to the loftiest heights they are able to achieve, regulatory restrictions and behaviours -- adult extensions of infantile toilet training.

The absurdity is that ALL of them, including their religious leaders, are unable to fulfil even these self-imposed requirements -- especially in areas relating to sexual expression.

It is clear that religionists are failures in every regard. Unable to embrace life on its own terms and unable to fulfil self-imposed regulatory behaviours they inevitably embrace pathology -- and in this 'pursuit' they excel!

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