Saturday, September 5, 2009

Going Viral for Health Care

By Paul Jacobs (about the author)

For OpEdNews: Paul Jacobs - Writer

After Nancy Pelosi took impeachment off the table, I reregistered as an independent voter. I could no longer be part of a political party that refuses to even consider prosecuting war crimes.

Well, I'm taking a cue from the Republicans and launching a preemptive strike against the public option being taken off of the table. I am not waiting to see if President Obama is going to backpedal on the public option in his speech to Congress this week.

I have already unsubscribed from receiving emails from the Obama camp and will do the same for any other politician not supporting the public option. When I cancelled my Obama emails, there was an option to say why I cancelled and I wrote two three-word sentences: No public option? No more me!

The public option is the hill I will die on. Politicians know that if a large number of supporters pull their e-subscriptions, so goes a lot of campaign donors and volunteerism.

When the public option passes, I will re-subscribe to Obama emails with a donation to see that more hope turns into actual help. The people were there for Obama when he needed our votes, our contributions, and our support. Now is the time to be there for the people by not backing down from the public option.

The President and Democrats in office need to know what they stand to lose before they sell us short. Don't wait for a trigger, a co-op or some other watered-down version of reform that isn't the public option. Let your representatives know how serious the base is about this issue: Unsubscribe today!

This campaign needs to go viral to have any impact in the days leading to Obama's address to Congress. This issue isn't political – it is simply the right thing to do for Americans. This is the fight for the “life” part of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Unsubscribe now and then email all your progressive friends to do the same. Let's go viral for health care in America!

Paul has worked in health care for the past 30 years and writes a weekly column for a local newspaper in California. He is involved in local civics, a member of Citizens for Democracy, Temecula Valley and active in the election integrity movement. (more...)

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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