Friday, September 25, 2009

I don't understand people's lack of empathy for immigrants!

I read all kinds of comments here about how all illegals are lazy criminals, and how they want to take advantage of our resources and take away our jobs. Does this bother anyone but me? My best friend's boyfriend was brought here by his parents when he was 3- meaning it was not HIS choice. He grew up and went to school here, was a good student and wanted to go to college. Then his parents told him that because he was illegal he couldn't go. The guy can't get a job, a bank account, credit, NOTHING. They are planning to get married and they can't even find proper ID to do that. And guess what? He can't go back to Mexico either, with no family there, no place to stay and no money to survive. He doesn't even have the proper papers Mexico requires to get a job there. I have heard so many sad stories like that and I can't believe that people think life is just SO easy for illegals. I think that people have that hatred because they want to have someone to blame for their own problems.

Additional Details

I need to add this for the people who are questioning my intelligence by insinuating that I don't understand the definition of the word illegal. First of all, I can't help but notice that the spelling and grammar in the responses of those of you with the most hateful responses is completely atrocious. Second of all, I am HIGHLY educated with a BA in history from HARVARD and a Master's degree in Special Education from UCR. Yet somehow, even though I am highly educated I still manage to escape being unfairly critical towards illegal immigrants. Yes, some of them abuse the system and should not be here. However, I am simply stating that I believe they should be judged on an individual basis and not all condemned for the actions (or inactions) of some of their people. Oh, and by the way, my best friend is 100% Cherokee and she says that no one asked her people's permission to be here in HER country, and that if you all want to stay, you need to at least learn her language!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Well I agree with you, for the most part - there are those that are here because of others. But it is a tricky situation - there is the cost factor, but I can't believe illegal immigrants cost this country anymore than the unwed teens that are having babies, the dead-beat dads, those that don't pay taxes, those that are in prison - we as tax payers are also paying for them. I just don't like the attitude people have regarding illegal immigrants, making them seem like they aren't even people. Yes this country has laws that DO need to be unforced, but my goodness does there have to be so much hatred towards your fellow human being?
Asker's Rating:
5 out of 5

Asker's Comment:

Thank you so much for your answer. Yes, illegals may be a strain on our resources, but maybe if we dealt better with illegals already here and made the process for becoming legal easier, they could earn decent livings and pay taxes. People just want to point the finger at someone and it's cruel.

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