Saturday, September 12, 2009

Secret FDA Memos Reveal Concerns About Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

Health Freedom Alliance Protect & Preserve Your Health Freedom

Filed Under Future of Food, GMO Foods

FDA scientists were questioned about the potential health hazards genetically modified (GM) foods would have. Previously secret documents attained by the Alliance for Bio-Integrity’s 1998 lawsuit reveal that our food experts were very concerned that GM foods carried “serious health hazards.” They unofficially concluded that GM foods lead to “different risks” for consumers than untreated foods. However, official the official policy came to the opposite conclusion, and even went on to claim that there were no significant differences. This ruling allowed for the companies producing GM foods to release their products to market without official testing.

These advances for GM foods through the FDA were headlined by Michael Taylor- whose previous employment was a Monsanto attorney. In July of this year, Obama appointed Taylor as America’s food safety czar.

There is a general concensus that the recent rise in some chronic illnesses - such as asthma, autism, diabetes, allergies, and accellerated aging - seems to correlate with the consumption of GM foods. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine conducted animal studies that found similiar results. Dr. P. M. Bhargava reviewed 600 scientific journals and concluded the same. Eight international experts looked over the evaluations of GM food safety by private GM companies and created a report detailing how these companies have “systematically overlook[ed] the side effects,” and underestimated “the initial signs of diseases like cancer and diseases of the hormonal, immune, nervous and reproductive systems, among others.”

We aren’t given the chance to be represented by a group of publicly elected officials on a matter that effects the whole nation. That being the case, we must take the responsibility to alert our peers of the potential health hazards of GM foods. Without consumers, major GM companies like a Monsanto won’t have the means to wend their products into the general populace’s homes.

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