Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Suppressed Energy Technologies

Suppressed Energy Technologies

by Gary Vesperman

The U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member committee that screens patents in order to protect “national security”.

An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced electromagnetic weapons such as the “death ray” apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. Hence many such new energy technologies, particularly those using this kind of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic principles, are considered "dual use" technologies that are among the 4,000 un-numbered patent applications confiscated in a vault at the US Patent and Trademark Office because of their military potential and the need to keep that knowledge from America's enemies.

A hidden purpose of this committee is to also find and remove from public access energy-related patents which could threaten the fossil fuel and power monopolies.

Canada's patent office doesn't have a similar screening committee. It is recommended that energy patents possibly in danger of being classified should be first applied for in Canada. Once granted, up to one year is allowed to apply for the same patent in the U.S. Patent Office. Now the patent can not be classified because it is already out in the public domain, courtesy of Canada.

Text of Generic Patent Secrecy Order


(Title 35, United States Code (1952), sections 181-188)

NOTICE: To the applicant above named, his heirs, and any and all of his assignees, attorneys and agents, hereinafter designated principals:

You are hereby notified that your application as above identified has been found to contain subject matter, the unauthorized disclosure of which might be detrimental to the national security, and you are ordered in nowise to publish or disclose the invention or any material information with respect thereto, including hitherto unpublished details of the subject matter of said application, in any way to any person not cognizant of the invention prior to the date of the order, including any employee of the principals, but to keep the same secret except by written consent first obtained of the Commissioner of Patents, under the penalties of 35 U.S.C. (1952) 182, 186.

Any other application already filed or hereafter filed which contains any significant part of the subject matter of the above identified application falls within the scope of this order. If such other application does not stand under a security order, it and the common subject matter should be brought to the attention of the Security Group, Licensing and Review, Patent Office.

If, prior to the issuance of the secrecy order, any significant part of the subject matter has been revealed to any person, the principals shall promptly inform such person of the secrecy order and the penalties for improper disclosure. However, if such part of the subject matter was disclosed to any person in a foreign country or foreign national in the U.S., the principals shall not inform such person of the secrecy order, but instead shall promptly furnish to the Commissioner of Patents the following information to the extent not already furnished: date of disclosure; name and address of the disclosee; identification of such part; and any authorization by a U.S. government agency to export such part. If the subject matter is included in any foreign patent application, or patent, this should be identified. The principals shall comply with any related instructions of the Commissioner.

This order should not be construed in any way to mean that the Government has adopted or contemplates adoption of the alleged invention disclosed in this application; nor is it any indication of the value of such invention.

(The harsh punishment for a violation of this secrecy order, should an inventor exploits or even simply discusses his or her invention which is classified by a patent secrecy order, is 20 years in federal prison. In effect the US Government brutally and suddenly orders unlucky energy inventors to keep absolutely quiet and not do any more work on their inventions – without compensation for their well-meaning efforts. Thus a shocked, intellectually shackled and frustrated inventor would end up losing everything he or she had invested in his or her invention. The public is also ruthlessly denied any benefits from the invention.)

US Congress: Energy Inventor Protection and Patent Declassification Act

The newly elected United States Congress should immediately write, introduce, and pass a bill titled, "Energy Inventor Protection and Energy Patent Declassification Act of 2007". Included should be 24/7 protection of energy inventors and their property by armed guards, and declassification of 4000 energy patents unfairly held in secret by the U.S. Patent Office. (In spite of what one energy activist suggests is the appearance of appointing a fox to guard the henhouse.)

Remy Chevalier suggests that Congress needs to put back into question the entire review process of patent law, and its consequences on environmental health, by imposing strict fines to who ever is caught buying energy patents for the sole purpose of keeping its protocol out of commercial circulation.

In this fourth version of Gary Vesperman’s compilation of specific energy invention suppression cases, the body count rose to a disgusting high of at least 23 innocent people whose lives were brutally sacrificed just to ensure the market supremacy of giant energy companies. 26 energy inventors and associates are known to have been threatened with death, and 7 energy researchers and associates have been imprisoned or falsely charged.

The Congressional bill should also include a provision to hunt down and imprison for many years the government/corporate energy invention suppressors and their hired killers.

Congress in 2005 gave the oil companies $2.6 billion in tax breaks as a reward for $190 million in campaign contributions. (Source: League of Conservation Voters)

Wilhelm Reich: Orgone Energy Motor

In the mid 1930s Wilhelm Reich, MD, began noticing an energetic connection that is shared by all living beings and had the clarity of mind to not dismiss the observation as unimportant. Dr. Reich called this energy "orgone" and worked for decades demonstrating its laws and studying its various manifestations.

Dr. Reich in 1948 got a "synchro" type of electrical spinnner motor to run from both an orgone energy accumulator and an orgone-charged high-vacuum tube. James DeMeo and Nicholas Reiter have each written an article on the orgone energy motor construction and use, with eyewitness quotes and many construction details. DeMeo has also published a third article on the subject of electrostatic motors, which are powered by sources bearing some resemblance to what Reich used in conjunction with the orgone accumulator.

An assistant, either suspected to be secretly working for the US Government or was simply an incompetent and thief, had helped with its mathematics and construction. This assistant then took some of Reich’s money and the motor with him that winter on the pretense of working on further refinements. Instead he disappeared. None of his claims about his past including previous employment were verifiable.

The US Government then campaigned for many years to thoroughly ban and burn Reich’s books and any other printed literature that included the word “orgone”. US Government violations at the time included the warrant less invasions and searches of the homes of people peripherally associated with Reich. In one such case, a home was searched, and Reich's books were confiscated from private bookshelves. School teachers and doctors who worked with Reich were fired from their jobs.

Reich died at the age of 60 after serving eight months of a two-year federal prison sentence. Reich had been falsely labeled a quack and a racketeer by the US Government and the corrupt American medical system.
(Sources: Emails from James DeMeo,,, and

Energy invention suppression all too often involves energy inventors being deprived of their constitutional rights. Years ago James DeMeo, Ph.D., wrote a scathing well-referenced article “Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other Federal Agencies” (see The flagrant abuses by the US Government he cites are clearly reflected by US Government-sanctioned energy invention suppression terror tactics. At its end, he lists the pertinent constitutional rights which for over two centuries hundreds of thousands of Americans have defended with their lives as sacred:

The Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights, 15 December 1791

Amendment I: Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...

Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...

Amendment V: No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

Bruce DePalma (Interview): A Peaceful Revolution Against Energy Oppression

A University of California at Santa Barbara 1983 interview by Daily Nexus Staff Writer Evette Justus quoted Bruce DePalma, local physicist and scientist:

"A peaceful revolution can occur providing we can free ourselves from the oppression which is dominating us and controlling our day-to-day existence. This oppression is the necessity to make payments to a system which gives us the energy to heat our homes, transport ourselves, brings our food and fertilizer to grow our food, and makes the plastic that goes into our clothes. When we can be released from that we will have a choice. And this can be the only revolution – a peaceful revolution, and free energy technology makes this peaceful revolution possible."

(The above quote was submitted by David Crockett Williams.)

End Energy Invention Suppression Now!

… with millions of bumper stickers, meetings, state legislative resolutions, web sites, alternative energy research publication subscriptions, energy inventor adoptions, demonstrations, yard signs, crusades, emails, protests, letters and petitions to the US Congress, T-shirts, TV documentaries, science fiction movies, sit-ins, college lectures, and banners in the streets blowing in the wind.

For a more detailed report in pdf format see:

Gary Vesperman, 2009. Suppressed Energy Technologies

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