Monday, October 12, 2009

Sustainable Michigan-Peak Oil Ann Arbor/Ypsi & SE Michigan

Sustainable Michigan/Peak Oil Meetup Group is a group formed to create awareness of the need to lower our carbon footprints and to offer ideas, ways and the support to do so personally. We will be discussing viable earth friendly alternative ways of living and meeting energy needs that would make for a resilient and "green" Michigan. As Michigan communities need to be ready for the strong possibility we will be facing an energy resources decline --planning for a compatible "energy use descent" is urgent both due to being the only sensible response to energy resource decline and for remedying our community contribution to global warming. What could be more important?

The group aims to share knowledge and spread the word about the need to quickly learn about new innovations and ways of making our communities more secure through "low energy use" readiness.

We plan to learn and share resources on Green Cities, alternative energy developments, alternative transportation, natural and green building/architecture, organic/local food production, and other aspects of preparing for sustainable living.

As a member you can feel free to explore our links and share resources. We look forward to your ideas and contributions and working together to make a difference!

Here are some links that will tell you all about Peak oil: http://en.wikipedia.o... http://www.energybull... a Peak oil primer with links

Below you'll find some videos that illustrate action and developments occuring around the country and Canada in response to a dawning awareness of the need for sustainable development and in recognition of peak oil: (see our website on line to watch numerous videos available for free) http://oilawareness.m...

Peak Moment 47: San Francisco is the first American city to formally address the challenges of oil depletion. Dennis Brumm and Alyse Heartwell recount how members of SF Oil Awareness envisioned, wrote and presented to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors a Peak Oil resolution, which they passed unanimously in April 2006. They explore next steps: public hearings and plans to create a task force to assess the city's energy vulnerability. (ref:

August 30, 2007
Peak Moment 73: Smart municipalities are planning and preparing for energy vulnerability and climate change. Daniel Lerch, manager of the Post Carbon Cities project, has prepared a guidebook including case studies of cities large and small planning how to maintain essential services in the face of energy and climate uncertainty. []

Peak Moment 36: Inspired by the book Natural Capital, developer Joe Van Belleghem transforms a toxic site into a green development that's totally backed by the city and community in Victoria, B.C. Conserves energy, water, heat, materials, and shares some with the neighbors.

Peak Moment 87: In summer 2006 Judy Alexander embarked on an experiment to see how much food she could grow, and how many neighbors could benefit, from the garden around her house. Check out her homegrown rainwater collection and irrigation system - watering her 60+ edible crops. Meet the bees, the chickens and the worms. And catch her joy in producing so much food for so little effort.

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