Monday, October 5, 2009

Don’t despair— single-payer healthcare is still alive and gaining support

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America

Conor Boylan October 5 at 2:10pm
Don’t despair—
single-payer healthcare is still alive
and gaining support

They said single-payer was off the table. In the next two weeks there will be a floor vote on HR 676 in the House. They said Democrats would never support single-payer, yet PDA led the successful effort to get key state parties to adopt resolutions in support of HR 676. And the national party adopted "everybody in, nobody out" as a plank in their platform. They said the AFL-CIO only supports the public option, but hundreds of local unions endorsed HR 676, leading to adoption by the AFL-CIO convention of their first single-payer resolution in over 25 years.

When they say a patient can't be saved, nurses keep trying. When they say it's not politically possible, PDA organizes harder.

That's why we work so well together.

So thank you PDA for stepping up for healthcare NOT warfare!

The next two weeks are crucial for healthcare reform. We need to get a big majority of Democrats to vote for the Weiner amendment ( --Medicare for All, HR 676--when it comes to a vote. Unlike other approaches to reform, this isn't insurance reform--it doesn't keep the private insurance companies at the apex of power. It eliminates them. It would solve the crisis with comprehensive benefits, a single standard of quality care for all, real cost control, fiscally conservative budgeting, and progressive financing.

Knowing the odds are against us, we won't stop, and we're already planning for the next the states. Should federal reform pass with full implementation set for 2013, we'll have opportunities before then to win real reform in California, and Pennsylvania, Maine, Ohio or Colorado. We just need to make sure states can legally implement single-payer. So Congressman Dennis Kucinich has secured a provision in HR 3200--the leadership bill in the House--that resolves the biggest legal obstacles in the way of state single-payer (

Let's make sure Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and key committee chair Henry Waxman support keeping the Kucinich amendment. Call them at the capital switchboard: (202) 224–3121.

These votes represent opportunities for real progress. Progressive progress. That's why the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee has joined with PDA.

Together, we make a formidable alliance. Together, we will change healthcare. Together, we will replace corporate power with people power.

In solidarity,

Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy
California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee

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