Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Join 21,651 Donors in Strike for Robust Public Option, the Aggressive Progressives - 600,000 strong and growing!

After months of debate, an overwhelming majority of Americans support a "robust public option" similar to Medicare.

And thanks to the heroic efforts of progressive activists, we have almost enough votes in the Senate and House to pass it.

The Democratic majorities in the Senate (60/40) and the House (258/177) are large enough to pass a "public option" even with no Republican support. But a handful of conservative "Democrats" are blocking the will of the Democratic majority.

These conservative "Democrats" refuse to listen to the Democratic voters who elected them. That means it's up to our Democratic leaders - Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama - to persuade them.

Join the Democratic Donor Strike for a Robust Public Option:

We will not accept a weak public option or worse, a "trigger." We want a robust public option (based on Medicare rates, not negotiated rates) that is nation-wide (with no state opt-outs), administered by Medicare (not a for-profit insurance company) and available immediately.

That is why we are joining together in a Democratic donor strike against the DNC, DSCC, and DCCC until the Democratic Congress passes - and President Obama signs - healthcare reform with a robust public option. Until then, we will only donate to individual Democrats who will truly fight for us.

Join the Democratic Donor Strike for a Robust Public Option:

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik


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