Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Open or Closed Mind: Twits are Fickle: Are You Just a Twit?

Why is the idea of the open mind so powerful? Everybody likes to think that they have an open mind but in reality I think we all fall short of that supposed ideal state. I doubt that it is possible to take everything in equally and treat every piece of information with the same degree of open enquiry and scepticism. We are simply too finite. We have short and hectic lives so we cannot afford to have open minds. We must take large amounts of information on face value or treat it according to our prejudices. Is this simply inevitable?

With everyone jumping into Twitter some are labeled a “Twit“. How would you feel about being called a “Twit“?

According to the dictionary a twit means to taunt, tease, ridicule, etc., with reference to anything embarrassing; gibe at, to reproach or upbraid. The word upbraid means to find fault with or reproach severely; censure.

Twitter is proving to be a very effective medium of communications. Information flows out in millions of conversations daily. Some of the information is absolutely useless while some is a progressive path to new knowledge. Then there are many Tweets which simply reflect a “Twit“.

Is There Value In Upbraid?

Consumers are fickle. One day they love your brand and another day they despise it. There may be reason for the change in sentiment. Bad experiences, poor service and a general attitude of not caring how people feel at any given time will indeed create reproach.

Reproach can be valuable input and an opportunity to change market sentiment about your brand. However, not responding to a negative market sentiment fuels reproach then your brand will get severely damaged.

A “Twit” can be the sender or receiver of reproach. A sender may simply be expressing an outlandish experience. A receiver may simply not even know that the market is expressing a bad experience. In either case “Twits” are embarrassing forces of transparent markets fueled by conversations.

A “Twit” can also indicate the behavior of a fool or idiot. In the market of conversations it is foolish and stupid to reproach a customer. Not knowing the market of conversations (what your customers conversational currency is expressing) is stupid and foolish.

Are you offended by this post? You ought to be if you are a Twit. It is a reproach to the “Twit’s” who discount the power and influence of social media.

Get it?

What say you?

“Of course we must be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.”

Richard Dawkins

Step out of your comfort zone and . . .

1. Try listening instead of talking.
2. Read stuff you wouldn't normally read.
3. Watch stuff that you wouldn't normally watch.
4. Listen to music you wouldn't normally listen to.
5. Go places you wouldn't normally go.
6. Try stuff you wouldn't normally try.
7. Talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to.
8. Volunteer and help those less fortunate than yourself.
9. Change your routines and even your friends.
10. Consider Buddhism
11. Hang in with those you don't agree 100%.

See what happens

Maybe the world won't end. Or maybe it will...

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