Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Peace Movement Challenges Obama's War at the White House

The Peace Movement Challenges Obama's War at the White House
Tue, October 6, 2009 6:12:34 PM

Yesterday, Voters for Peace joined a coalition of peace groups at the White House to protest the Afghanistan War, torture, and the military-dominated policy of the United States.

Approximately 500 people turned out for a short march to the White House and a protest in front of the president's mansion. The police ended up arresting 61 people, including Voters for Peace Project Board Members Cindy Sheehan and David Swanson, for refusing police orders to move away from the sidewalk in front of the White House.

This protest garnered mainstream media attention. Today, the Washington Post, in an article by Dana Milbank, described the event as the peace movement beginning to criticize President Obama. You can read
"Substitute 'Obama' for 'Bush' and 'Afghanistan' for 'Iraq' . . ." by clicking here. It was also covered by CNN, which focused on the arrest of Cindy Sheehan who said that this was the time for the peace movement to translate their frustration into action. These were just some of the media reports. You can see more on www.VotersForPeace.US.

At Voters For Peace we hope this will become the beginning of expanded and energized anti-war efforts by Americans across the country. The Obama administration and Congress need to hear from you. Just Monday after eight U.S. soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, the White House spokesperson said that while a number of options were being considered, getting out of Afghanistan was not among them, Gibbs said, "I don't think we have the option to leave. That's quite clear."

On the heels of yesterday's action at the White House, please take action yourself today. Please
write President Obama and your elected officials in the House and Senate and urge them to end the Afghanistan war before it becomes a quagmire from which it is impossible to escape.

Every day the U.S. military is in Afghanistan, America is seen more and more as an occupying force. This empowers the Taliban and provides a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. Military action in Afghanistan undermines U.S. security. The U.S. cannot afford to borrow billions of dollars every week to fight a war that is counterproductive and unjustified.

Take action now by clicking here to write your elected representatives including President Obama. Please edit the letter to reflect your thinking, perhaps noting yesterday's demonstrations.

Thanks for taking action.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director

P.S. Please donate today. Or, if you'd like to purchase a tool that could be used to organize your neighbors, buy a copy of the video "Rethink Afghanistan" and invite people over to view it with you.
Click here to buy a copy.

VotersForPeace is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose candidates for office.


2842 N. Calvert St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


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