Thursday, October 22, 2009


The same financial institutions that caused the economic crisis and took billions in taxpayer bailouts are back to earning incredible profits. Meanwhile, Americans face shrinking pensions, rising foreclosures and unemployment, state budget cuts, predatory lending, outrageous overdraft fees, and sky-high credit card interest rates.

The American people want oversight, accountability and common-sense financial reform NOW. This is the classic David vs. Goliath fight, with Wall Street spending millions and millions on lobbying to defeat reforms that would protect the American people and our economy.

JOIN US on October 25-27 for a series of demonstrations when thousands of Americans - retirees, farmers, workers, homeowners, renters, students, clergy, and small business owners - come together on the streets of Chicago to demand a banking system that puts the American people first and a Congress that makes it happen! Take a look at the Showdown schedule of events, stay informed about event details and join our mailing list, and fill out the Showdown inquiry form to tell us when and where you want to plug into the fight!



We are everyday people – retirees, farmers, workers, homeowners, renters, students, clergy, and small business owners from across the United States. We are coming together in Chicago because there is so much at stake and no time to waste.

It is clear that our financial system is a mess and the American people are paying the price for it. Whether it be shrinking pensions, rising foreclosures, cresting unemployment, state budget cuts, payday lending, incredulous overdraft fees, and sky-high credit card interest rates – it is clear that the lack of regulation of the financial industry is hurting us all.

America can do better. Now is the time for us to enact significant financial reform to protect consumers and strengthen the American economy. If you believe now is the time to regulate the banks in the name of protecting people, we invite you to join us in Chicago, October 25-27.


A New Way Forward
Alliance to Develop Power (ADP)
Americans for Fairness in Lending
Blocks Together
Case Western Reserve University
Center for Community Change (CCC)
Central Illinois Organizing Project (CIOP)
Change in Terms
Change To Win
Communities United for Action (CUFA)
Community Voices Heard (CVH)
Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization (CCISCO)
Fuerza Laboral/Power of Workers
Gender Just
Global Coalition for Peace
Grassroots Policy Project (GPP)
Green Party of Nevada
Indy Artists' Peace Project
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI)
Insight Beyond Sight
Metanoia Centers, Inc.
Michael Moore
Michigan People's Action (MPA)
National People's Action (NPA)
National Strike October 29
Network Alliance of Congregations Caring for Earth (NACCE)
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
People Organized for West Side Renewal (POWER)
Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
Public Citizen
PUSH Buffalo
Right to the City Alliance
Rights for All People (RAP)
Roomdad Productions
Rogers Park People's Party
Roosevelt Institute
SEIU Illinois
Society for the Preservation of Continued Homeownership
South Austin Coalition Community Council (SACCC)
St. Lukes United Methodist Church
Sunflower Community Action
Syracuse United Neighbors (SUN)
Teach Our Children (TOC)
UCLA Undergraduate Students Association
Western North Carolina Central Labor Counci (AFL-CIO)
Working In Neighborhoods (WIN)


Our entire financial system is broken. Banks and other financial institutions have worked overtime to repeal laws and regulations that were in place to protect the American people and the American economy. Now they are spending millions in Washington to defeat common-sense proposals that would make our economy stronger and more secure. The current financial system has drained the American people of hard-earned money and sent our economy to the brink of collapse.

Our democracy is broken. Wall Street has hijacked our democracy, spending millions and millions each year on lobbying to advance their private interests at the cost of the public’s interest. We need our elected officials from both parties to say “No” to money being handed out by Wall Street. Our elected officials face a “Which Side Are You On Moment.” Are they going to continue to take their orders from the folks on Wall Street, or are they going to stand with the American people and fight for financial reform now. Our message to our elected officials is “Stand With Us.”

It is time to come together. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. Financial Reform that protects people and our economy is an American issue. We must come together to ensure our financial system is remade to benefit the common good.


Ever wonder what your bank has been up to since the bail out and what they're doing with YOUR tax dollars? Click on a report below and find out how the lending practices of big banks have destroyed our communities and the public's trust.

« Wells Fargo (PDF)
« Bank of America (PDF)
« JPMorgan Chase (PDF)
« Citigroup (PDF)
« Goldman Sachs (PDF)
« Andrea Cuomo's Big Bank Bonus Report - No Rhyme or Reason, 2008


Click on a report below and find out how big banks instigated massive foreclosures and shattered your state's economy.

« California (PDF)
« Florida (PDF)
« Illinois (PDF)
« Ohio (PDF)
« Massachusetts (PDF)
« Michigan (PDF)
« Minnesota (PDF)
« Montana (PDF)
« North Carolina (PDF)
« Pennsylvania (PDF)
« Washington (PDF)


Press Releases and Advisories
Press Telebriefing Advisory detailing the three-day mobilization around American Bankers Association conference in Chicago Oct 25-27 and new poll showing intense support for financial reform.
Telebriefing takes place on Wednesday, Oct 21 at 12:30pm EDT

Thousands Of Taxpayers To Converge On Banker's Convention To Demand Banks Stop Lobbying Against Financial Reform (PDF)

Showdown News Articles
George Goehl on Huffington: Creating a 'Which Side Are You On' Moment, Huffington Post, October 22
Chicago Countdown Continues! Massive Protest to Fight Bank Abuse, New Deal 2.0, October 21
Is Your Blood Boiling at the Big Bankers? Go to Chicago, Huffington Post, October 21
Big banks draw lots of interest, Politico, October 21
Big financial firms losing power on Capitol Hill, Washington Post, October 19
Time to Take on the Banks, Huffington Post, October 17
Financial Reform Victory? You can't reform vampires and zombies, New Deal 2.0
Won't You Please Come to Chicago? Huffington Post, October 18
Financial Reform: Up To Us To Change The Game, Campaign for America's Future
The Deification of Gentle Ben, The Nation
Federal Reserve visit to Decatur pays dividends, Herald Review
Fed Urged To Do More To Protect Homeowners
The left angry, too, at banks, overseers
Taming Wall Street Cowboys
Returning to their Old Habits

Individual bank and state reports (internal link)
The Trillion Dollar Bank Job (SEIU Illinois)
Roadblock To Recovery (Woodstock Institute)
Andrea Cuomo's Big Bank Bonus Report - No Rhyme or Reason, 2008
2008 Chicago Foreclosure Report (PDF)
Truth About Wells Fargo (PDF)
GAO Report On Fair Lending (PDF)
Wall Street and the Making of the Subprime Disaster (PDF)

Related News
Don't Fail, Or Reward Success, New York Times (October 13)
Good Billions After Bad, Vanity Fair (October 2009)
Class Action Suit Accuses Wells Fargo of Discrimination by Neighborhood, Washington Independent (September 9)


Showdown on GRITtv

James Mumm, Organizing Director at the National People's Action, Nomi Prins, author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street, and Dean Baker, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and the author of Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy, discuss why the economy hasn’t been “fixed” and Wall Street is celebrating. Mumm also talks about what is happening to our communities on the ground since the bail out and how Americans are gearing up for the Showdown in Chicago. (Air date: September 30, GRITtv)


This podcast features one group of people headed from the Northwest Bronx in New York to Chicago and the perspective of National People’s Action Executive Director George Goehl. (Produced on October 12 by Pro Media Communications)


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