Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stand with Dawn Political Action

Stand with Dawn

Four years ago, Dawn was diagnosed with a rare, but treatable brain tumor. CIGNA denied her treatment for more than two years, but now that the spotlight's on them, they're changing their tune.

Unfortunately, they didn't offer any explanation for all the previous denials or a guarantee that they'll approve the next step in Dawn's treatment. Can you sign this statement of support to shine a light on Big Insurance's abusive tactics, get Dawn the care she needs and make sure they don't do this to anyone again?

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The " Stand with Dawn " campaign is brought to you by Political Action™.

The evidence is clear -- America's health care system is failing Black folks like Dawn Smith.

Dawn was diagnosed with a brain tumor that causes crippling pain and keeps her from working. The tumor was treatable -- but Dawn's insurance company, CIGNA, denied her treatment for two years. CIGNA finally changed their tune, but not until our friends at brought Dawn's story to light.1

But CIGNA still won't promise to cover all the treatment Dawn needs. And they still won't explain why they denied her care for two years, let alone whether they'll change their policies. So Dawn is fighting back -- she's going to drive up to CIGNA's headquarters in Philadelphia to confront the CEO in person.

Fundamentally, Dawn isn't fighting just for herself. She's fighting for everyone who has struggled with irresponsible, unaccountable insurance companies who are fighting tooth and nail against the very reform that could level the playing field for Black folks, and improve health care for all Americans.

That's why we've joined in supporting Dawn as she confronts CIGNA. Will you sign a statement of support for Dawn Smith? Your message will be delivered directly to CIGNA CEO H. Edward Hanway in person.

By highlighting Dawn's struggle in the media and with members of Congress, we can make clear why health care reform -- including real accountability for insurance companies -- is such an urgent priority right now.

And as we all know, the need really is urgent -- especially for Black folks, who suffer from a wide range of health care disparities:

  • Black folks are twice as likely to be uninsured as white folks.2
  • 22% of Black women say cost keeps them away from the doctor's office, compared to 15% of White women3
  • Black women have the highest rates of new AIDS cases, cancer mortality, obesity and low-weight infants of any ethnic or racial group4
  • There are 13.6 Black infant deaths per 1,000 live births, compared to 5.7 White infant deaths per 1,000 live births5

The insurance companies are doing nothing to address these disparities, and in fact are doing what they can to block reform. In Dawn's case, all CIGNA has done so far is offer vague gestures aimed at doing the bare minimum to keep Dawn quiet -- chalking up their outrageous behavior to "mix ups" and assuring her they're "in the business of caring." They're putting Band-Aids on problems that are more like bullet holes. But, unfortunately for CIGNA, Dawn's not planning to quiet down so easily -- not until she gets the answers she needs.

That's why she's taking her campaign to the next level by taking her story on the road.

She'll confront CIGNA at their headquarters in Philadelphia. She'll try to meet with members of Congress in Washington and ask for their help. And she'll stop in cities and towns along the way to collect stories from the countless other Americans who are suffering at the hands of their insurance companies. You can help Dawn by lending your voice to her struggle. You can speak out here:

Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani and the rest of the team
October 15th, 2009

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1. "Dawn Smith, Brain Tumor Victim: How Her Story Became Rallying Cry For Health Care Reform Supporters," The Huffington Post, 10-5-2009

2. "Key Health and Health Care Indicators by Race/Ethnicity and State," Kaiser Family Foundation, 2009

3. "Putting Women's Health Care Disparities on the Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level," Kaiser Family Foundation, 6-10-09

4. Ibid.

5. See #2

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