Saturday, October 17, 2009

US Health Care System a Disaster as well as a Direct Threat to National Security

US Health Care System a Disaster as well as a Direct Threat to National Security

written with permission by Bear Market News

I hesitate writing this article because it underscores a major threat to national security. However, these security gaps are better known to those who violate them and virtually unknown to those who can remedy them, namely the U.S. Congress. Perhaps something can be done other than our current SNAFU and worse. There much to this story I cannot reveal but it is typical rather than uncommon. The names are changed and the location unspecific to protect their anonymity.

Our subject served in the “military” and was stationed along with 1000s of others in the Pacific in Eniwetok during the nuclear testing there. Some 43 nuclear tests were fired at Eniwetak from 1948 to 1958. The first hydrogen bomb test, code-named Ivy Mike, was held in late 1952 as part of Operation Ivy, and it vaporized the island of Elugelab. This test included the use of B-17 Flying Fortress drones to fly through the radioactive cloud for the purpose of testing onboard samples.

In 2000, the Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal awarded in excess of $340 million to the people of Eniwetak for loss of use, hardship, medical difficulties and further nuclear cleanup. Note that this award does not include the approximately $6 million annually budgeted by the U.S. for education and health programs in the Marshall Islands. Nothing was provided to the U.S. soldiers and many others who suffered later. This fact takes us back to the subject who I’ll call Major James Hill.

Major Hill held degrees in engineering and business administration from prestigious East Coast Universities and worked with a major defense contractor and oversaw the development of major defense installations worldwide for the Navy and the Air Force. He held a top security clearance and was privy to national secrets unknown to Congress and the U.S. President.

The Major’s wife was a mathematician and taught mathematics at a prestigious university. The Hill’s lived well within their means, had a fine home, a sailboat and an airplane. They flew their own plane on vacations and spent free time with their extended families. One would assume that the Hill’s, like members of Congress, would never have to worry about healthcare. Nothing could have been farther from the truth.

After nearly 30 years of service as a defense contractor, James was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease which continued for 10 more years before he was forced to early retirement and then progressed quickly requiring costly 24/7 care. After about five years in an extended care facility, James had to be placed in a nursing home.

Finding a facility that could treat and manage the disease progress. as well as accept James as a patient, was a long and arduous journey. (Large men make difficult patients) Meanwhile the Hill’s had learned of many other members of the military that had served on Eniwetak (which had changed its official spelling to "Enewetak", along with many other Marshall Islands place names, to more properly reflect their proper pronunciation by the Marshall Islanders) also had developed similar diagnoses that appeared to mirror some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. As a class, this group sought medical coverage which was declined and never officially acknowledged by the V.A.

James had sought care earlier through the V.A. but was denied because of his income and assets. Eventually, James had to sell is plane and boat at a considerable loss and spend down his assets and finally had to apply for Medicaid to pay for the $10,000 per month nursing facility. James’ wife Anne had to quit her position as professor of mathematics and initially work part time at another nearby university during the early stages of the illness and while James lived at home after he retired. They had to cash in their stocks in 2000, taking an enormous loss in assets.

While in extended care and while at the nursing home James was visited by members of his defense contract team on a fairly regular basis and until he passed. It is not likely that the contractors who met with James had anything near the level of security James had held. Yet James did know much about our technology that members of Congress still do not know, and perhaps never will.

But if that was not enough a breach of security, James often complained that he had been beaten at night alleging that he had been interrogated. The nursing home staff and administration at the nursing home always denied any possible abuse by anyone, claiming that Mr. Hill was always delusional. However, Major Hill did have unexplained bruises after these complaints. On several occasions, the staff did admit dropping the Major in the his bedroom, the bathroom and in the shower.

James died at the age of 73, following a long and courageous battle with Parkinson's disease. He left his wife and five children, three boys and two daughters. Due to the enormous cost of care, James left no sizable estate for his wife and children. Anne is unable to teach due to her own health problems and the cost of her care far exceeds the insurance coverage she has. Within several months of every new year, Anne falls through the Medicare prescription donut hole and must spend thousands of her own dwindling resource dollars, for prescriptions alone.

If the Hill’s had access to universal healthcare early on, as well as today, their story and that of many other courageous men and women would not have faced the dilemma of the Hills and that of so many other American citizens, facing bankruptcy and worse daily. Please feel free to pass the story along with proper attribution. I am telling this story with permission and can provide further details based on a need to know.

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