Sunday, October 18, 2009

The U.S. Public as Victims of Atomic and Other Testing

The U.S. General Public have been victims of Atomic Testing and the testing of toxic materials. The general public should be compensated with free access to the best medical services available.


THE Atomic Veteran and survivors do not stand alone in suffering the effects of ionizing radiation exposure.

Americans in every state and Canada were also exposed to nuclear fallout as the result of America's nuclear test program. Research estimates from 1982 indicate that more than 1 million men women and children were contaminated by ionizing radiation. Exposure resulted from nuclear test, intentional and accidental radiation releases, nuclear waste and industrial and scientific and medical experimentation.

We are asked to believe that the increased incidence of cancers are due to a myriad of causes that we can control. How much of this increase is attributable to the general public's uptake of ionizing radiation must be questioned.

A statement made by the Veterans Administration from "Cold War-Atomic Veterans" notes that "Generally no dose of radiation is considered to be safe from the risk of neoplastic transformation".

Information from the NIH (National Institute of Health) states "Estimated exposure and thyroid doses received by the American people from Iodine-131 in fallout followed Nevada nuclear bomb tests: a report from the National Cancer Institute".

This site will provide downloadable pdf files of detailed information.

To check your level of exposure based on age, sex and local see "Individual Dose Computation"

The upcoming battle for the next generation of service members will be to prove that the tanks, shells, etc they used were manufactured from depleted uranium. This site will not delve any further into this subject---that is the next generations fight. Wish you better cooperation and extend sympathy.


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