Friday, November 13, 2009

Low Income Women Can't Get Abortions, But RNC Staffers Can

women's rights

Low Income Women Can't Get Abortions, But RNC Staffers Can

by Jen Nedeau

Published November 12, 2009 @ 08:05PM PT

It is pretty obvious by now that Republicans don't want you to be able to have an abortion. Republicans don't want government funds to be used to cover a legal medical procedure that "kills babies" despite the fact that they support the death penalty and federal funding for psychotherapy for pedophile priests.

Oh but wait - hold on - while they don't want you to have an abortion, it is okay if they have one. 176 Republicans and 64 Democrats in the House voted on the Stupak Amendment last Saturday - the most prohibitive legislative measure against abortion introduced since the Hyde Amendment - which basically blocks access for low-income women to an abortion, despite the fact that staffers of the Republican National Committee have had abortion covered under their insurance plan since at least 1991.

From Politico, the GOP is once again, the party of ultimate moral hypocrisy:

The Republican National Committee's health insurance plan covers elective abortion - a procedure the party's own platform calls "a fundamental assault on innocent human life."

Federal Election Commission Records show the RNC purchases its insurance from Cigna. Two sales agents for the company said that the RNC's policy covers elective abortion.

Informed of the coverage, RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho told POLITICO that the policy pre-dates the tenure of current RNC Chairman Michael Steele - and suggested that it may be short-lived.

So tell me again - how is it acceptable for a political party to lobby against a policy they themselves employ?

Photo: Trueslant

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