Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Parents: Send this note to your school principal to protect your child from swine flu vaccinations


Parents: Send this note to your school principal to protect your child from swine flu vaccinations

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Swine flu, Vaccines and Health
View on NaturalPedia: Swine flu, Vaccines and Health

(NaturalNews) After reading about the forced vaccination of a Brooklyn schoolgirl who ended up in the hospital, many parents are concerned about how they might protect their own children from school-based vaccination schemes.

To help parents protect their children, I've written a letter that you may copy, modify and use as a warning to the principal of the school(s) where your own children are students. This letter will serve as a warning to the school principal that if your child is vaccinated without your permission, you will unleash a hellstorm of legal action and media attention that every school principal desperately wishes to avoid. (Feel free to modify this letter to tone down the language a bit if you already have a friendly relationship with your local school principal.)

Once you're satisfied with the language, print and sign this letter, then have it notarized so the signing date can be proven in court. When that's complete, mail a copy to your school using registered mail (so you have proof it was delivered), then print off another copy for your child to carry with them at all times.

Instruct your child that if they are called to the nurse's office to be injected with the vaccine, they should produce this note and show it to the nurse. You may also instruct your child to protect themselves by running from the nurse's office and calling you at home or work (print your phone number on the back of the note).

Role-play this scenario to make sure your child understands exactly what you're asking them to do. Otherwise, they will usually just do what they're told at school, especially if they are threatened with getting into trouble by school teachers or nurses.

This letter hasn't been reviewed by a lawyer. If you want a stronger legal angle for your letter, take this to your lawyer and ask them to beef it up with more "lawyer language."

This letter, by the way, is offered as-is, with no guarantees. It's simply being published here on NaturalNews as a public service to give concerned parents something they can use to help protect the health of their children from overzealous vaccination schemes.

(Note: You may need to alter the gender references in the letter below if your child is a girl. The note is written using "he.")

A letter for your school principal (and nursing staff)

From: (Your name here)
Date: (Insert date here)
RE: Request for NON-vaccination of my child (insert child's name here)

Dear Principal Johnson (and the nursing staff),

This letter is to inform you that as a parent of a child in your school, I do not consent to any H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccination of my child, (insert child's name here), and that if my child is subjected to such a vaccine without my permission, I will consider that a gross violation of not only my parental rights, but the civil rights of my child.

The H1N1 swine flu vaccines currently being given to schoolchildren in America were approved by the FDA using an unlawful waiver that allowed the vaccines to be approved with absolutely no credible scientific testing. No adequate safety or efficacy testing has been conducted on any of the swine flu vaccines, and those children who are being injected with the vaccines are being treated as human guinea pigs.

H1N1 swine flu has also turned out to be so mild that it can be easily overcome with a healthy immune system aided by healthy levels of circulating vitamin D. My child takes vitamin D supplementation and therefore has an extremely healthy, active immune system that can easily mount its own antibody response against swine flu or other forms of influenza. Because of his immune system health and nutritional regimen, my child poses no health threat as a "carrier" of the swine flu, even without being vaccinated.

As a parent, part of my responsibility to my child is to protect them from potentially dangerous chemicals or unproven medications that may cause neurological side effects. A previous batch of swine flu vaccines in 1976 are now known to have caused Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a serious neurological disorder that can cause paralysis or death. The risk of such side effects may be small, but they are permanent and not worth the claimed protection against a disease that, according to CDC statistics, is many times less virulent than regular seasonal flu.

Please make note that my child is not to receive any vaccinations without my prior written consent, and that if my child is subjected to vaccines of any kind without such permission, I will immediately seek legal counsel in an attempt to hold your school responsible for all long-term medical costs potentially associated with the vaccine side effects. I will also sue for violation of my child's civil rights.

Should such a scenario unfold, I also plan to go public with this story at both the local and national levels in order to bring increased awareness to this gross violation of parental rights. A copy of this signed and dated letter will be made available to the press to prove that I clearly and specifically requested my child NOT be vaccinated. I will also be happy to provide this documentation to whatever state regulators or law enforcement investigators may become involved at that point.

You may avoid all of this by honoring my request to safeguard my child from any and all H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccines being given at your school.


(Your name here)
(Notary stamp here)

Final Note: If your child is violated with a vaccine without your permission, please contact NaturalNews so that we may bring awareness to your story (if you wish). Your credibility will be greatly improved if you have a signed, notarized and dated letter (along with proof of mail delivery) stating your desire to avoid having your child vaccinated.

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health researcher and author with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a manufacturer of mercury-free, energy-efficient LED lighting products that save electricity and help prevent global warming. He's also a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known email marketing software company whose technology currently powers the NaturalNews email newsletters. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and pursues hobbies such as Pilates, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at www.HealthRanger.org

Brooklyn girl winds up in hospital after being injected with H1N1 swine flu vaccine without parental permission

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Swine flu, Hospital and Swine flu vaccine
View on NaturalPedia: Swine flu, Hospital and Swine flu vaccine

NaturalNews) A six-year-old Brooklyn girl, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, was hospitalized recently after being injected with the swine flu vaccine. The vaccination was conducted entirely without her parents' permission in an incident school nurses are calling "a mistake."

Mother Naomi Troy told the NY Daily News, "I was outraged." After receiving the swine flu injection, her daughter complained she was itching and her stomach was hurting. That's when school officials called an ambulance that rushed Nikiyah to the hospital.

Nikiyah is epileptic and takes prescription medication to treat the condition. Her mother was concerned about the possible side effects of combining a swine flu vaccine shot with epilepsy drugs and was waiting to hear back from her doctor before giving the school permission to vaccinate her daughter. That permission was apparently irrelevant, as some schools simply vaccinate any and all children without concern for parental permission.

After injecting her daughter without permission, the school nurse then called Naomi Troy and tried to persuade her to sign a consent form after the fact. "I was insulted. I was really angry," said Naomi.

So far, 1,800 NY students have been vaccinated against swine flu. Hundreds of thousands more are in line to be vaccinated when a sufficient supply of vaccines is made available.

Protect your children from state officials

What this incident demonstrates is the important need for parents to protect your children from the vaccination agenda being pushed by the State. Even without your permission, your children can be called to the nurse's office and forcibly injected with a substance that could harm or kill them.

You, the parent, might be called after the fact -- after your child winds up in the hospital, suffering from bizarre side effects even though doctors swore the vaccine was "perfectly safe."

Every day that you send your child to a public school, you run the risk that the next time you see your child, it may be in the hospital... or the morgue. Many state Dept. of Health employees who serve as school nurses don't pay any attention to parental permission. They just inject every child they can get their hands on.

And even if your child faints, or collapses into a coma, or even dies from the side effects of the vaccine, they'll claim such things are "pure coincidence" and couldn't be caused by the vaccine itself. How do they know that? Because they've been told "the vaccine is safe." And they believe it.

If you have a child in the public school system -- and you don't want them to be vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccines -- you need to take special precautions by writing a strongly-worded note informing your school principal (and nursing staff) that if your child is vaccinated without your permission, you will sue for damages.

As a public service to NaturalNews readers, I've written and posted precisely such a letter that you can freely use for this purpose. You'll find it here: http://www.naturalnews.com/027394_s...

Use this letter to stand up for your rights as a parent! Don't let the schools inject your child with a potentially harmful chemical substance. Take action now to protect the rights of you and your children.

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