Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where’s Lou Dobbs Tonight? Out of CNN


Where’s Lou Dobbs Tonight? Out of CNN

Lou Dobbs is out at CNN, and the statements are flying.

Advocacy groups say Dobbs was pushed and are celebrating.

The anchor says he plans to take his fight for issues he believes in elsewhere, though just where that is he hasn’t yet said.

CNN says it’s “grateful” for his service–and that Dobbs will take what the network calls his “advocacy journalism” elsewhere.

A story on the CNN site said Dobbs had left his “controversial role as an advocacy anchor.”

The anchor is known for his strong views on the strict enforcement of immigration laws.

Dobbs had anchored CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” since 2003.

On Wednesday night’s broadcast of “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Dobbs delivered this statement about where he’s going next: “At this point, I’m considering a number of options and directions and I assure you I will let you know when I set my course.”

He went on to say “I truly believe that the major issues of our time include the growth of our middle class, the creation of more jobs, healthcare, immigration policy, the environment, climate change, and our military involvement, of course, in Afghanistan and Iraq….Unfortunately, these issues are now defined in the public arena by partisanship and ideology rather than by rigorous empirical thought and forthright analysis and discussion.”

CNN President Jon Klein issued this statement: “With characteristic forthrightness, Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere.”

Roberto Lovato, a writer and co-founder of, part of a coalition of Latino and other groups that pushed CNN to oust Dobbs, said he was “euphoric” about the anchor’s exit.

“We’d like to think this signals a new day in media, particularly with regards to Latinos and immigration,” said Mr. Lovato.

Eric Burns, president of Media Matters for America, a research and advocacy group that had also campagned against Dobbs, issued this statement: ““For too long, CNN provided Lou Dobbs with its stamp of approval as he pursued a dangerous, one-sided and all too often false conspiracy tinged crusade against immigrants.” He called it “a happy day.”

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