Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Black Screen of Death or Boatload of Advertising?

XP? VISTA? WINDOWS 7? You might want to print out the following instructions.

Black Screen of Death or Boatload of Advertising?

December 04, 2009
by shogan in The Pit Blog

Black Screen woes could affect millions on Windows 7, Vista and XP", is the title used for a post to Prevx's website describing what they feel is a very troublesome problem. Prevx offered a download to fix the bug, and within a day fear was blogged far and wide blaming the problem on Microsoft, of course, and their darned security patches. Prevx has since backed off a little from their initial claim but you can get a taste here.

The truth is actually a little different than the initial hysterical reports. From what I can tell there are considerably fewer affected than the millions conjured by Prevx. In fact I think there are millions fewer than millions, if you know what I mean.

The basic problem is that upon booting your Windows system and logging in, there is no desktop. You see only a black screen. You will, however, be able to bring up the task manager and you will be able to start Explorer.exe and access the internet. At that point you can use the free Malwarebytes software that we regularly recommend for those with no paid AV program.


1. Press: CTRL/ALT/DEL keys all at once
2. Click: Start Task Manager
3. Click: Application Tab
4. Enter: explorer.exe
5. Click: OK

You should now see your desktop and be able to access the Internet to download the Free Malwarebytes or even the free Prevx fix if need be. It's quite likely that your existing paid AV software is able to fix the problem but I have not had a chance to test them all.

If you are like the millions I know, and haven't had the problem, don't do anything and Microsoft will have a patch for it next week. Sometimes truth is funnier than fiction.

Is it a big problem? NO.
Is it caused by MS patches? Maybe, Maybe not.
Did Prevx get a boat load of Free Press? Yes.

Is it a big problem?

Absolutely it is. For the average user! Average user of course not even knowing what a task manager is, not knowing a thing about key strokes and short cuts…….. All they know is the shiney new PC they have purchased is now a black screen displaying doorstop.

I think many, many people with experience forget that the average computer user is illiterate when it comes to computers. In fact my experience has been that not only average users are computer illiterate but many if not most of the ones who think they experienced are computer illiterate.

So is it a big problem? Yep it sure is.

Click the article title to link to other comments.

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