Saturday, December 19, 2009

CONGRESS and ADMINISTRATION - GOD COMPLEX? (or just inglorious bastards?)


by Tom Hyland
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Rated "PG13" by the Author.

Well, galz n' guyz - here I go again - Picking on our so-called 'Leaders!'

The 'poor, Rat-Bastards' ought to give themselves -
Congressional Medals of - DIS-HONOR!

The PIC? I call it - "Trickle-Down Effect"!


© - Tom Hyland

For various and sundry Years -
Various and sundry Senators and Representatives -
Have had various and sundry Convictions -
For various and sundry Crimes!

Although few have ever been Beheaded, or Hung - ALAS!
Their ‘punishments’ have run the Gamut -
From a Smack on the Knuckles - to a Warning -
To ‘Public Service’ - to Fines - to Actual ‘Limited’ Jail Time!

The Gamut of Crimes?
From DWI - to DUI - to Fraud - to Sex Crimes -
To Embezzlement - to Mismanagement of Funds -
To Wife-Beating - to Drunk and Disorderly.

And just Who - Polices Them?
Their very own ‘Ethics Committee!’
What a Total Farce!
The ‘Pot calling the Kettle - Black!’

Can you just imagine the evening Discussions -
When the ‘Good Ole Boys’ gather Together?
“Wow, Sam - you really gave me a grillin’ Today!”
“Sorry, Joe - had to make it look good, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t need to bring up that ‘HO’ Thing!”
“Did you say ‘Whole’ or ‘Ho’?”
“The Pay-off of Prostitutes - my Dear Friend!”
“Key-Rist Joe - you got caught with your Pants Down!”

“Well, how was I supposed to know it was a ‘Sting’ Operation?”
“Cheese, Joe - you’ve been getting away with it for Years -
Haven’t you learned Anything?”
“It’s Unfair - it’s Entrapment - that’s what it Is!”

“Next time - Joe - use Cash, not your Credit Card!”
“But Sam - that’s all she would Take!”
“I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, can You?”
“Sorry Sam - I’ll be more careful next Time!”

“Well, that’s enough talk about your minor Dalliances -
Let’s talk about this next Bill -
What kind of ‘Pork’ can we add On?”
“It’s for the Vets - so how about an NRA Entitlement?”

“John - what about that Indian Casino Fiasco?
Any new angles we can Swing?’
“I dunno, Sam - that Sonofabitch wants Three Million!”
“What about - Walter, or Henry, or Jack, or Matt?”

“Aw - they’ve got their heads up their Arses -
Too busy raising campaign money, you Know!”
“Billy-Bob - what about those Arms Appropriations?”
“The damned GM CEO wants more for Hummers!’

“That’s OK Harry - our ‘cut’ will be higher Also!”
“It’s getting so difficult splitting up all these pieces of Pie -
I’m trying to set up more Swiss Bank Accounts, how about You?”
“Naw - Off-Shore Accounts - that’s where I Hide It!’

“Anybody got any more new ideas on muddying the Water -
For this Damned Health-Care Reform Crap?”
“The Insurance guys are raising Holy Hell!”
Medicare and AARP are bitchin’ up a Storm!”

“Screw the Seniors! Screw the Vets! Screw the Public!’
“What do they know? Give ‘em more Rhetoric!”
They couldn’t get out of a wet paper Bag!”
“That’s enough Business - DEAL THE CARDS!”

Or maybe even - ‘Chase The Queen?’

© - TKH

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