Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Human Predator and the Knight in White Armor

plain view

The Human Predator and the Knight in White Armor

News, or that which they call “news” is much focused on the real and perceived distresses, a result of the fall out of the financial sector caused by “human predators” in the paper pushing world, white collar criminals and incompetence.

The finger pointing is mostly performed by the “victims” and government, both “innocent” of any wrong doing.

The government is now the Knight in White Armor who will attempt to help all the “good” people survive carnage inflicted by these “human predators”.

Unfortunately it appears of late that there is a high percentage of infiltration in the ranks of government by these “human predators”.

From the recent falls of the governors of New York and Illinois to the withdrawal of appointments to various cabinet posts it appears that even the Knights have their share of misfits in this land.

There is no one who can pass this modern test of “perfection” and yet it is expected by the people.

Who can you trust? We know there is no such thing as “dirt” free.

We are on the edge of an economic/social cliff, waiting to see what happens next. Will it be “catastrophe” or is it exaggeration?

Will the “Human Predator” have his or her way or will the force for “good” overcome?

Or is this just part of everyday living.

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