Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Support Obama To BE the Obama We Voted For -Not the Inside-the-Beltway Pragmatist/Realist


Support Obama To Be Obama!


February 15, 2010 San Francisco CA
USF - Fulton Street in SF

June 11-14, 2010 Washington DC
Church of the Reformation
212 E. Capitol St. Washington, DC

Foci of the conferences:

1. "Support Obama to BE the Obama We Voted For -Not the Inside-the-Beltway Pragmatist/Realist whose compromises have led to a decrease in his popularity and opened the door for a revival of the just-recently-discredited Right wing."

We believe that a spiritual progressive movement needs to be both supportive and lovingly critical of this Administration-about Afghanistan, its weak health care plan, its capitulation on human rights, its dumping hundreds of billions into the coffers of the banks, insurance companies and pharmaceuticals while doing way too little for the poor and the powerless.

2. We will focus on developing positive ideas and programs for an economy and society that more fully embodies your highest values, as well as concrete ideas for what we could do for global (including Middle East) peace and reconciliation, and ideas about how to put single payer health care back into the national conversation to amend whatever faulty proposal has been passed by Congress.

3. We will develop our inner resources both intellectual and spiritual for the long-process of building fundamental transformation in our global and domestic policies so that we can save the planet and ourselves from the various lurking environmental, military, economic and political disasters we face. We will also strengthen our capacities to recognize and rejoice at all the goodness and love that is available to us and that can sustain us and make the process of Tikkun-ing (healing and transforming the world) a joyous and nourishing experience.

You DO NOT have to be religious or believe in God to be a "spiritual progressive." We welcome people not only from every religious community but also those who are "spiritual but not religious," including some who are militant atheists or agnostics. Our criterion: do you agree with our New Bottom Line for Western societies. Our New Bottom Line urges people to judge institutions, corporations, legislation, social practices, health care, our educational and legal systems, and our social policies (as well as our personal behavior) by how much love and compassion, kindness and generosity, and ethical and ecological sensitivity they inculcate within is, and by how much they nurture our capacity to respond to other human beings as embodiments of the sacred who can and do respond to the universe with gratitude, awe, and wonder at the grandeur of all that is. If you are supportive of our New Bottom Line, you are a spiritual progressive. Please read who this plays out in political policy terms by going to www.spiritualprogressives.org and reading out Spiritual Covenant with America and the details of our Global Marshall Plan.


Speakers for February 15th Event:

  • Rabbi Michael Lerner
  • Peter Gabel
  • Professor Steven Zunes
  • And more..... (Full agenda will be posted here soon)

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