Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why Obama Cannot and Did Not Lead On Healthcare Reform


Why Obama Cannot and Did Not Lead On Healthcare Reform

— basement angel

There are a number of people online scratching their heads and wondering why our newly minted Democratic president has proved so utterly useless when it came to healthcare reform. He seems to have collapsed on the White House divan with a case of the vapors. I submit it is neither a physical malady that renders him so completely gelatinous, nor is it lessons learned from Mrs. Clinton's earlier attempts to pass health care reform. it is, indeed, something more contemporary and potent - Obama's own words on the campaign trail against the formidable Senator Clinton's healthcare proposals.

He can't lead on healthcare without having his own words used against him.

And then, let's remember, that the Rules and Bylaws which awarded four the delegates that Clinton won in Michigan and all of the delegates who didn't vote for her to Obama, was chaired by James Roosevelt, CEO of Tufts Health Plan. Obama wouldn't be president right now if it wasn't for the CEO of a health insurance company.

Probably, those two things together make reform impossible. If the president can't lead, it ain't gonna happen. Let's stop being surprised.

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