Thursday, January 7, 2010

Think Local and Save Money and Your Economy

8 Money-Saving Tips to Support Local Economy

Buy Locally to Save Money and Support Neighborhood Businesses

The economy has people worried, but there are simple steps everyone can take in their own community to save money on gas, food, and more while helping others do the same.

Feeling the need to tighten belts against the economic downturn? Despite predictions of gloom and doom, there are ways to gather local support and help oneself and others through tough times. With every eye on the economy, it's never been easier to save money on gas, food, childcare and more by pooling resources and buying within the neighborhood to support local economy.

Local economy means the people closest to you geographically – immediate family, neighbours, nearby businesses, and anyone else who contributes to the economy in a neighborhood. Supporting local economy means choosing local retailers over superstores. It also means people supporting other people through systems like barter, carpooling, sharing childcare, and more.

Buy Locally Grown Food

One of the best ways to save money on food is to grow produce in a home or neighborhood garden. If that's not possible, try farmer's markets or stores that sell locally grown produce, meat and poultry.

Organic local food is best, of course, because it supports local farmers and prevents the spread of pesticides and other chemicals into the environment – but if organic is beyond your budget, local produce alone is certainly a help to farmers near you, and will save money on gas and transportation to get fruits and vegetables to stores.

Buy Fresh Rather Than Packaged Foods to Save Health, Gas and Money

Packaged, processed foods not only cost more – they're bad for health. Cut refined, sugary, preservative-laden foods like packaged cereals, boxed cookies, store bought muffins, and other unnecessary items and make them fresh at home for half the cost and with healthier ingredients.

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