Monday, January 25, 2010

Activism suggestions from movement to overturn Citizens United decision

Activism suggestions from movement to overturn Citizens United decision

Since Thursday, the internet, newspapers and people around kitchen tables across the country have been ablaze with outrage over the Supreme Court's action to open the floodgates to corporate money in our elections. Over 40,000 of you have joined with us in launching a long-term campaign to amend the Constitution, and others have begun to follow your lead.

We think you'll agree that it's time to raise a ruckus! Over the weekend we prepared some ideas for things you can do and materials to get you started. Please check out our new Take Action section right now at:

sign the Motion to Amend

Here's some of what you'll find there:

1) Spread the word! Tell your friends about the Motion to Amend. Use our form to forward a message to your contacts. Join our new Facebook page to connect with others.

2) Donate to the cause! Move to Amend is the beginning of a multi-year movement to amend the Constitution. We're gearing up big and we need your financial support.

3) Educate Others! Write a letter to the editor to explain what Citizens United ruling does and let others know how they can take action. Make sure to mention the website. Our website has useful tips and sample letters to help get you started.

In the words of Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

We agree, which is why we've also included ideas for group action like:

1) Hold a Funeral for Democracy! Organize a mock funeral outside your closest federal building, with mourners, music, speakers, and eulogies for democracy. Let everyone know that the U.S. judiciary has made democracy illegal by granting away our rights to corporations. Take video to post on YouTube, invite the media, and make sure your political officials are invited to speak in memory of democracy.

2) Organize a Study Group or Kitchen Table Discussion! Most folks do not have a deep understanding of what corporate personhood means to democracy and elections. Bring your friends, family, co-workers, fellow students, or neighbors together for a discussion about why this happened, what it means and what needs to be done. We provide materials to help get you started and readings to discuss.

3) Pass a Democracy Resolution! We include a model resolution to start from. Your political party, rotary club, city, township or even state can pass this declaration calling for a Constitutional Amendment to Legalize Democracy and Abolish Corporate Personhood. We also provide some materials to get you started if you'd like to take action at the municipal level.


Large corporations have used our legal system for decades to make enOrmous profits at the expense of our health, our communities, the environment and our democracy. Let's seize the moment and make the Citizens United v. FEC decision the last straw that breaks corporate rule once and for all!

Do you have other ideas for action? Let us know! If you make templates or example documents, costumes, flyers, props or other materials, we'll post them. See you in the streets!

122 State Street Suite 405 | Madison, WI 53703 US

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