Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Corporations Claim any attempt to limit them is unconstitutional

Here we go again

Unlike you and me, corporations don't eat, drink, get married, vote, or bathe. And they never sleep. Which is why they have already launched another attack on our democracy, due to hit ground zero tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27, at 9:30 a.m.

Last week, it was the Citizens United case. That case not only permits unlimited campaign spending by huge multinational corporations, but it also says that any law to curb such spending is a violation of those corporations' "constitutional rights."

Now, it's the SpeechNow case. This new case would extend the newfound "rights" of multinational corporations to billionaires. Yes, the SpeechNow case would give billionaires the "constitutional right" to pollute political campaigns to any degree that they see fit.

We have to fight back. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear "arguments" on the SpeechNow case at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in Washington.

Let's show them what "freedom of speech" really means. We'll speak and, for a change, they'll listen.

Click here to send a message to the court and show your support for real free speech!

You can also call the clerk's office at 202-216-7300.

Over 90,000 of us have signed the petition at SaveDemocracy.net. Please -- PLEASE -- ask your friends to sign up, and keep watching for ways that we can save democracy.


Alan Grayson
Member of Congress

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