Friday, January 29, 2010

FDL Action PAC

FDL Action

FDL Action PAC

FDL Action PAC supports progressive causes as well as those candidates and elected officials who work hard to support progressive values.

On this page, you'll be able to find links to FDL Action PAC's different campaigns. You can also sign up to receive updates via email.

FDL War Room

Looking for info on health care policy? Wondering what you can do to help?

Visit the FDL War Room for action items, news and policy updates, video and more!

» Click here to visit the War Room

Reconciliation = Majority Rule

As the majority leader of the Senate, the power to pass a public option is squarely in Harry Reid's hands. Fifty-one Senators have said they would vote for a bill with a public option -- no opt-outs, no triggers. That's a majority. Will Reid use the reconciliation process to allow a simple majority vote on a public option?

» Click here to sign the petition
» Click here to donate

Thank Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich is stepping up to investigate the unlimited Christmas Eve bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Kucinich wants to find out the reasons for the unlimited bailout, what's happening with the money and who's calling the shots. We need to thank Dennis Kucinich for launching an investigation.

» Click here to reward good behavior; donate to Dennis Kucinich today.

Blanche Lincoln & Mike Ross

Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Rep. Mike Ross are doing the bidding of the insurance industry to block the public health insurance option. But a majority of all Arkansans, and 80% of Arkansas Democrats, support a public option. Lincoln and Ross are out of touch with their constituents, and out of touch with the Democratic Party.

We need you to stand with Arkansas Democrats and help put this ad on the air - can you chip in $25, $50, or even $100?

» Click here to donate

One Voice For Choice

Passing health care reform in this country shouldn't come at the cost of women's reproductive rights, but that's exactly what will happen if Democrats allow the anti-choice Stupak amendment to become law.

We will be phone banking in the districts of Democratic lawmakers who have voted for the Stupak amendment and need your help to keep the momentum going.

» Click here to host a phone bank
» Click here to donate

Health Care Heroes

These progressive members of Congress are joining together to make sure that any health care bill passing the House of Representatives will include a robust public option -- no co-ops, no triggers.

They stand for what they believe is right, without the support of the party, the leadership or the liberal institutions who should be backing them.

We feel confident that when they time comes, these members will stand strong for us and won't bow to pressure. Please let them know how grateful we are.

» Click here to donate

Fire Hadassah

While Senator Joe Lieberman pledges to vote against the current health care bill, donations to find a cure for cancer are paying the salary of his wife Hadassah Lieberman, former employee of the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbying complex.

Mrs. Lieberman's relationship with Susan G. Komen for the Cure is unethical and misleading.

» Click here to sign our petition
» Click here to donate

Audit the Fed

We won an important, early victory in our campaign to audit the Fed. Thousands of FDL Activists signed this letter and helped get the Watt amendment rejected.

According to the Huffington Post, the letter circulated by Firedoglake and signed by progressive leaders like Naomi Klein, Dean Baker, Andy Stern, Richard Trumka, Bill Black and James K. Galbraith was "key" to helping Alan Grayson whip Democratic support to pass the historic Paul-Grayson bill to audit the Federal Reserve. Grayson even quoted from the letter during the Committee debate.

Help us prepare for the next phase of our campaign to audit the Fed. Please donate today to help our work

» Click here to donate


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