Monday, January 25, 2010

Stop Senator Murkowski's new version of her "Dirty Air Act"

We wrote last week about a dangerous attempt to gut the Clean Air Act and let our biggest polluters off the hook. Thanks to intense pressure from supporters like you, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski couldn't get enough votes last week to pass her outrageous, lobbyist-penned proposal and was unable to bring it to the Senate floor as threatened.

But the fossil fuel lobby won't give up that easily. Senator Murkowski is now looking for support for a new version of her "Dirty Air Act" -- a resolution which would allow dangerous fossil fuel emissions to continue unchecked, polluting the air our children breathe. We need to put an end to these political games for once and for all.

If enough of us flood our Senators with phone calls now, we can send a message that messing with the Clean Air Act at the behest of fossil fuel lobbyists is simply unacceptable.

Please call your Senators and ask them to reject Senator Murkowski's disapproval resolution -- and any further attempts to gut the Clean Air Act.

Let them know you're a constituent and say:
"I want Senator _______ to oppose Senator Murkowski's disapproval resolution -- and any future attempts to gut the Clean Air Act. Instead of playing politics, I strongly urge the Senator to lead on passing comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation this year that creates jobs, reduces pollution and makes our nation more secure."
Then report your calls here.

Over 250,000 members of the climate movement already took action in the last two weeks to oppose Murkowski's "Dirty Air Act", flooding Senators' offices with phone calls and emails, writing thousands of letters to the editor, and much more.

We showed that ordinary folks can succeed in the face of well-funded special interests, and that we won't stand by while our laws and our future are sold. If we keep up the pressure, we can defeat this resolution and build momentum towards Senate passage of the comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation that we need in 2010.

Call your Senators and ask them to protect the Clean Air Act -- and then report your call here.

Thanks for everything you do,

Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
Repower America

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