Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two progressive ways to help the people of Haiti

CREDO Action | more than a network. a movement.

Give to Doctors Without Borders / Medicins Sans Frontieres.

Doctors Without Borders — a group CREDO members support with their phone bills — operates one of the only free trauma centers in Port-au-Prince as well as an emergency hospital in the capital for pregnant women, new mothers, and newborn children. All three of its primary medical centers have collapsed, but DWB/MSF has already set up temporary shelters and is offering emergency care on the ground. For more info on their work in Haiti click here. To make a donation click here.

Tell Obama: Grant Temporary Protected Status to Haitians living in the U.S

President Obama has ordered his Department of Homeland Security to temporarily halt all forcible deportations to the disaster zone, but this falls far short of what human rights groups are asking for. He must immediately grant Temporary Protected Status to undocumented Haitian refugees in the U.S. Refugees from El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia and Sudan are afforded this status. To refuse to do so for Haitians would be irresponsible and immoral. To take action, click here.

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