Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Right Wing Traitors and Saboteurs

Rob Kall

Ann Coulter says we progressives and liberals on the left are traitors. That started things off and now, in the right wing blogs and forums they're all saying it.
But there's another way to look at treachery, traitors and selling out your country.
The people who try to silence dissent, and people who disagree are violating one of the most prized rights of this country.
The people who spew hate, who label different thinkers as traitors, are the real traitors to this country's principles of freedom.
The people who support corporations over people are selling out humanity, not just national traitors, because they support rights and protections for inhuman corporations, these people are traitors to humanity.
When we look at the leadership of the military, under Rumsfeld, we find a batch of men who all have close ties to Israel, who look out for Israel's interests at disproportionate levels.
Too many of the leaders in the defense department have previous ties to the defense industry. This is incestuous.
When a traitor pretends he is a patriot, he's called a mole. That's what right wing, corporation loving, constitutional rights trashing extremists are doing when they wrap their policies and politics in the flag.
Just look at one of the main policies of the far right-- get rid of government. The government is the US and the people. By weakening it, starving it, these right wing traitors are doing what they can to destroy the means we have to protect the commons-- environment, energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, parks, transportation....
Osama Bin Laden may have attacked some big buildings, killing a few thousand people, but Big business destroys thousands, no, millions of acres of land, skies full of atmosphere, hundreds of thousands of lives. And the right wingers who sell their souls to the lobbyists who push the corporate special interests are the mole traitors who sell out our country for the lobbyists.
Then we have the chickenhawks who advocate war, but were gutless avoiders of service when it was their turn. These cowards are happy to send poor minority members who signed up for educational opportunities. They are happy to extend their stays in Iraq. It's not that different from trying to squeeze more work for less money out of workers, like the recent efforts to get rid of some categories of overtime pay attempt.
Terrorists may have attacked some hotels and embassies in Africa and the middle east, in their efforts to put fear into Americans, but the Bush presidency has worked hard to build up the level of fear, to keep Americans on edge, in a perpetual state of post traumatic stress. These leaders are worse than the fundamentalist Islamic terrorists.
These patterns are nothing new. The far right, in colonial times, maintained their loyalties to the British King, to the business opportunities they had there.
Some of you will remember that an issue of John F. Kennedy's presidential candidacy was his Catholic religion. People raised concerns that his religion would affect his leadership. Now we have a president who hears God talking to him, telling him what to do. When I worked in the psychiatric hospital we called these people paranoid schizophrenics and put them on thorazine and Haldol. Then again, Bush has that glazed look like he may already be on something like them. There's no doubt that before the needs of US citizens, Bush worries about what his religious beliefs tell him.
On the rare occasion when a usually gutless, coward right wing traitor accuses you, or liberals of being traitors, don't bother arguing. But know in your heart that these sellouts are the real traitors. They are the people who are taking America along a dangerous path that is trashing its most precious values and rights. Know that soon, there will be investigations into voting fraud. And ah yes, these right wing traitors are not exactly making any noise about fixing the problems with voting. There's an understandable silence there. The Republicans would not have the majority in the Senate, would not be in the white house, and might not even be the majority in the house of representatives. Traitors who subvert or corrupt elections should be given life in prison with no parole. This is one of the most vile forms of sabotaging democracy.

Over the years I've tried to figure out what makes a person become a right winger, a fascist traitor, but the roots of their traitorous, unAmerican behavior are not important. What is important is that we start calling a spade a spade and getting the word out that they are traitors, they are not "good" Americans. We have to take back America, take back our patriotism, our causes, the values of the founding fathers. We cannot allow the values of the KKK and neonazis, of extremist fundamentalist Christians become the way of the land.

This is just the start of a list of ways right-wingers are traitors and saboteurs of American freedoms, rights and democracy. Send in your examples for a follow-up article.
Rob Kall is publisher of progressive news and opinion website and organizer of cutting edge meetings that bring together world leaders, such as the Winter Brain Meeting and the StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story. This article is copyright by Rob Kall, but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.
Other writings of Rob Kall

1 comment:

  1. Re: Anonymous said... She is right. Not only are liberals and progressinve traitors...they are also baby murderers....who murders babies through abortion.

    Fact or opinion? All? Only?

    The fact is that what anonymous says is only an opinion.

    Conservative women also undergo abortions. I've known many who have. Ask any female Republican congressional aide. D.C. abortions are rampant among Republicans.

    Liberal and progressive women don't need to undergo abortions. They are not so indiscriminate and also practice "safe sex" with partners.

    Isn't it only conservatives who sexually abuse their children? Ask Ann Coulter.
