Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Is The Middle Class in America?

Your Toolkit for Holding Congress Accountable

What Is The Middle Class?

The middle class is more than an income bracket.

Over the past fifty years, a middle-class standard of living in the United States has come to mean having a secure job,

a safe and stable home,

access to health care,

retirement security,

time off for vacation, illness and the birth or adoption of a child,

opportunities to save for the future and the ability to provide a good education,

including a college education, for one’s children.

When these middle-class fundamentals are within the reach of most Americans, the nation is stronger economically, culturally and democratically.

Most Americans identify themselves as middle class. Yet DMI is concerned not only with those who currently enjoy a middle-class standard of living, but also with expanding the middle class by increasing the ability and opportunities of poor people to enter the middle class.

The middle class is strengthened when more poor people are able to work their way into its ranks. In a nation that is increasingly polarized between the very wealthy and everyone else, DMI sees the poor and middle class as sharing many of the same interests.

Simply put: what strengthens and expands the middle class is good for America.

You decide the strength and stability of the middle class in America and the world

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