Sunday, February 6, 2011

Celebrating a Drug Lord's 100th Birthday

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Celebrating a Drug Lord's 100th Birthday

40th US President Ronald Reagan image [stolen from here]

I am currently watching one of the corporate/bankster US Gov propaganda networks, CNN, and the subject of the broadcast is Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday.

If Reagan knew that cocaine was being smuggled into America from South America by CIA and Military transports for black bag operations and to make operatives rich, he's a drug lord scumbag. His name should be taken off any ship or all American honors. Do you remember Ollie North and Iran Contra? [videos and more]

If Reagan knew that the Jimmy Carter military operation was sabotaged, Reagan is an untried felon. Do you remember the US hostages held by Iran. They were purposely held past the election so Reagan would be ensured the election. That is election rigging and treason. Collaborating with a foreign government against a current US administration is treason. Do you remember the October Surprise?

The Reagan legacy is he brought to power one of the biggest scumbags of the last century, CIA Drug Lord and Master Thug, George H. W. Bush.

Ronald Reagan C-SPAN 100th Birthday Airing

I am currently watching C-SPAN. What was aired Thursday is being re-aired.

Senator Orin Hatch from Utah was talking about General Electric and other Ronald Reagan nostalgia. It was blatant Republican propaganda, equal to the crap the Democrats spew.

It is amazing what is being said is so far from reality. If you were alive, paid attention, and knew how to decipher what is really being said when "the news" is aired. Cocaine being brought into the US by CIA and Military transport is Ronald Reagan. Word Search "Iran Contra Cocaine" not in quotes.

Richard "Dick" Cheney is as disgusting a human being as is possible in my opinion. Did Cheney make 9 billion dollars from his war corporation stock options while Vice President? If so, we know what type of crap was perpetrated and know it is still being perpetrated under Obama.

Dick Cheney can say all he wants about US President Jimmy Carter, but Carter hadn't sold his soul and the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the Military Industrial Complex couldn't operate as it had. Carter couldn't be bribed and was a truly decent human being. This blogger didn't appreciate him at the time, was leaning Republican, and believes that one can change their minds when presented with facts.

I believe Ronald Reagan was nothing more than a war and drug lord. He helped usher in the George H. W. Bush CIA dominance of the world, more so, than anytime in previous history. So now we've got what we have.

Now the US is under [armed occupation].

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

NYC under armed Military Occupation

I was in Grand Central Train Station in the AM of January 31, 2011. I have been seeing armed military personnel, who co-ordinate with police, patrolling Downtown New York City train stations. I thought this was against our US Constitution.

Are we under armed military occupation and most of us don't know it?

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